Tatum O’Neal was busted by the NYPD for allegedly scoring crack and coke last night. She was charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance and was held at the Seventh Precinct. She's had a long fall from her heyday in Paper Moon, huu? Now she's just a wannabe socialite with a nose problem in a Manhattan jail. I think she's nuts and smoking crack could only help her. They should give people like her free crack. Her whole family is wacko and they should all get free crack. And guns. Lots of guns. Farrah Fawcett should get the hail away from 'em.
heard about this before I left for work this a.m. Thats awful, her & Griffin & Redmond seem to have the same issues as their father. They must have a weak gene somewhere. No joke. Poor Farrah. Is she even with Ryan anymore? Hope not. I didn't think they were a couple anymore. I know he's helped her with her cancer treatments, but are they still a couple? I don't think so.
She says they aren't but he wont get his nose out of her ass. He's always with her.
he should have been vaporized when they did her colon/rectal chemo/radiation treatments then! Don't like Ryan, don't trust him. When Lee Majors asked him to keep an eye on Farrah when he was out of town & then he stepped in & took her away, I have despised him ever since. I always loved my Fall Guy!...back in the day.
it does make you wonder..... with all that money, they can buy the very best of everything..... bottles of wine worth more than $2000, the best port, the best spirits.... even the best coke and they go and buy crack. i don't get it!!!! just plain STUPID.
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