Wednesday, June 4, 2008

This is hilarious

Spoof on the stupid "postpone your period" pills.


Anonymous said...

Tina Fey is one of the most Talented writers out there.

Too efffing funny! and True.

Anonymous said...

We're sorry, currently out video library can only be streamed within the United States.
Fucking assholes.

Anonymous said...

'for now hulu is a U.S. service only....' blablabla lots of bullshit I want to kill somebody now.

Dirty Disher said...

Im so sorry..I din't know! I won't use thier films anymore.

Anonymous said...

it is not your fault dish - usually these kind of services don't talk about their fucked up restrainments. And even if they do it is hidden somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED this whenever it has ran on SNL. It's soooo true too. This is so hilarious. I was just telling a friend about this y'day! Sadly, I don't even need Seasonale to feel like this!!! LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that's how I am every time I'm on my period! Which is like, every two weeks and last 11 days, or something like that! I've gotten to where I just lock myself in my room for a week and Nathan knows to stay FAR AWAY! :p

Anonymous said...

OMG - that's is so funny.

My favorite is that ridiculous commercial for "Always" pads that ends in "Have a Happy Period". I don't know about you guys, but I've never had a happy period in my entire fucking life. And actually, what I really wanted someone to do was reach up there and rip my fucking uterus out of my body because the pain was so unbearable (thank gawd for menopause!). Happy period, my ass!!!