Some wacko promoter is calling up clubs and booking Kim Kardashian as an attraction, then sending them this whore. Kim's lawyers are all over it and Kim is mad. I don't even understand why you'd book Kim Kardashian for anything..what's her talent? When's the last time you got excited because Kim Kardashian has a movie out? Besides that one where that black dude peed all over her. Then we have this lame ass impersonator who looks vaguely like Kim's third cousin from India. Do the club owners never watch TV or pick up a magazine? How does she pass for Kim Kardashian?? If Kim Kardashian was across the street, I wouldn't go over there to take a photo of her giant ass even if the cover charge was two dollars and included a free cocktail. If I walked in and saw this ho, they'd have to pay me.
This has gotta be a joke. There is no way. Gawd, what a terrible job! & thinking the entire time..."will they figure out that I'm not REALLY KK?" "How long will I be there before they figure me out?" How humiliating! There used to be a chick that was going around saying she was Paris Hilton...remember that? She even got on TV & the blogs!
The saddest part is that THIS broad thinks she actually looks like Kim Kardashian!!
She puts her dress under the toilet so it can smell like Kim when she makes her appearances.
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