Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Soup For All Seasons

This is reader Lia's vegan soup book. The beautiful Lia is a renowned chef at Melbourne's famous vegan eatery Las Vegan Nirvana Bakery/Cafe. I apologise for not having better photos, but, I don't have the scanner here yet. When I scan some pages in, I will re-post this, because it's totally worth it. It's all about soup, some I've heard of, some I've never heard of! It's just a beautiful book and every single page has a full page photo of eye candy. The recipes are easy to understand, even for a non cook like me. There is nothing better than the smell and taste of a big pot of hot homemade soup in the winter and there are summer soups in here too. Lia, thank you so much for your book and I WILL try them all and post on it. Finally, DD gets some swag..take that crabbie! I'll let Lia tell you how you can get this wonderful me, you want it. Carnivores, vegetarians and vegans alike will get a hearty meal out of this book. Dang, now I'm hungry. Those Bagel-fuls are a joke. Organic Vegan soup sounds SOOOO good right now.


Anonymous said...

soup is my favorite meal! Hot bowl of soup and a hard roll! Nothing better! And in the winter twice as nice! Can't wait to hear how the recipes turn out!

PS: How are you keeping up on here today? Aren't you busy unpacking & organizing? Moving sucks hard , but don't put it off to be on here. Looking thru boxes for a spatula or a clean pair of panties ain't nobody's idea of fun!

Dirty Disher said...

I fed the critters, moved a load, blogged and now I'm off to work. I love you all and hope you stick with me thru this craziness.

Anonymous said...

DD---we shall stick with you ALWAYS!

you're not just our gossip blogger, you're our friend!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmmmm Veggie soup..I love it and make all kinds of varieties. I'm a vegetarian and I love seeing people put out great cookbooks.

Great work!!!

Oh and're stuck with us I'm afraid to say :)


Anonymous said...

aw dd thats so nice of you to take the time to take pictures of the soup book and put it on your blog. you think of everyone... all the time. the publisher who is reponsible for printing all this is a young woman named emily and she started with a vegan publication called aduki and is now putting out these cookery books (they are also being distributed in america and the uk). she has three recipe booklets out now, one for tempeh, the soup book and next august she is launching a cake book. this is her link for anyone wanting to purchase her publications or check out her aduki magazine
you can subscribe to her magazine online (free) and you can order the booklets too. i just thought i'd say that because em deserves all the credit for getting these books up and running. and mistiajournal is right dd, you are not just our celebrity gossip blogger, you are our friend!! we all love you because you give us so much love, and you give little critters (including the furry ones) love too. so... everything thats good coming your way from your readers.