Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Take a bite out of busy mornings?

That's their slogan, "take a bite out of busy mornings." Because you can heat one from the freezer in one minute or from the fridge in 10 seconds. I'm eating one now, because they were on TV. If it's on TV I'll usually buy it because I'm the eternal fast food optimist. Are they good? Yeah, not bad at all. Plenty of cream cheese and the outside tastes pretty bagely. Though a little bland. BUT..these suckers do not look like the package or whatever they're eating on TV. They are REALLY small. So, I found myself eating the whole package and I'm not a huge eater. It was the equivalent of one big bagel.
They cost too much too. Bagels are way cheaper and I'm sorry but if you're too busy to shove a freekin' bagel in the toaster and spread some cream cheese on it, you need a new morning routine. Kraft my grocery list.


Anonymous said...

looks like a Twinkie!! I like my bagels toasted anyways! Not steamed in the microwave. Thanks for the heads-up!

Dirty Disher said...

Smaller than a Twinkie and not as fun.

Anonymous said...

I got the strawberry ones and like them alot. I have two boxes in the fridge now. :) I cook mine in the toaster oven. The ones I get are alot bigger than a twinkie....and I've seen a few twinkies in my day.


Anonymous said...

How could you bother buying anything from Krap-ft? It's all garbage.

Anonymous said...

Travesty! No self-respecting bagel lover would ingest such a vile, chemical-laden piece of crap! This reminds me of the premade smores, S'mores, I think they're called( clever). The tagline in the commercial was a frustrated kid saying, "Smores are HARD to make!" Could we be any more feeble?

Anonymous said...

premade smores!!! are you kidding me??? wtf??? that's just so so WRONG!

Anonymous said...

How the hell do cream cheese filled bagels qualify for the "Sensible Solutions" logo? Is it causes they're microbagels and the serving size is just 1? Screw that "serving size" bullshit. It's too frikkin' small. I could shove a "serving size" of anything directly up my ass and not even feel it in there. Do they want us to die???? We're human beings for cripes sake!


Anonymous said...

Never heard of fake-o s'mores!!! EWW! Skittles has a new candy mix thats all chocolates. The mix includes S'mores, vanilla, chocolate caramel,Chocolate pudding and brownie batter. It's overload, trust me, get a bag but be prepared to share! Or make an ER appt with your dentist STAT! I tried and will not try again. Give me a real s'more! Even if I make it in the oven, at least its home made & real!