Roseanne's blogging is giving me the tiniest hint that she's not a fan of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.
"Your evil spawn Angelina Jolie and her vacuous hubby Brad Pitt make about $40 million a year in violent, psychopathic movies and give away three of it to starving children, trying to look as if they give a crap about humanity as they spit out more dunces that will consume more than their fair share and wreck the earth even more."
And there's more, lots more..Roseanne is pissed because Jolie won't support Obama and she calls Jon Voight a "used tampon." HERE's her blog, but, you might have to wait in line like I's been pretty busy today. The old ream-a-roonie from Rosie-Loony, you can't call her a Brangeloony though. I guess she's never spit out any dunces.
Why is she wearing mad-strangler gloves?
cuz she's gonna hunt down AJ and strangle her scrawny neck! Gawd...if only that were true!
So much for freedom of choice. Another Kabballah cultist demanding someone else think like her. Most would agree she's gross, is that offensive to her?.
good for roseanne! about the only celebrity who'll speak her mind about others...
She sounds like Rosie. She hates anybody that doesnt vote her way. Get over yourself.
who is this person? or should I say "was"?
to be a know it all you really have to "know-it-all", Roseanne is using Brangelina for publicty, nice.
Like Roseanne is the picture of mental health!!!!!!!!!!!
I am with Bill today. I think her & the other Rosie are just angry and want to bitch about other ppl to get noticed themselves. And I am soooo not a AJ/Brad fan, not even close! Not a Rosie(s) fan either. Never was. Angry, fat, loud women do not get my attention. I turn that off!
I am with Bill today. I think her & the other Rosie are just angry and want to bitch about other ppl to get noticed themselves. And I am soooo not a AJ/Brad fan, not even close! Not a Rosie(s) fan either. Never was. Angry, fat, loud women do not get my attention. I turn that off!
Never liked Roseanne. I always thought she is a vulgar, dirty and crazy bitch looking for attention.
Go Roseanne! She has guts and is honest to a fault about what she's thinking and feeling. hahahaha; sure she can be a lot to take but she does tend to rip apart hypocrisy where she sees it, lol
Who does she think she is? relevant? go stuff your face and let Goerge Clooney "make you stink", you filthy fascist whore.
man i LOVE her! Rosanne, she makes so much Sense. did everyone read what she said word for word? it really does make Angelina (who i liked till now) look like a complete political S L O B. the part i liked best was where Rosanne said that Angelina's father was like a girl in a pink tutu seeing Obama as a person coming out of a jungle with a bone in his nose and a socialist pamphlet in his loin cloth. i hope you guys get a B L A C K president and i hope we guys get an A B O R I G I N A L prime minister..... one day.... i really do.....
As Bill Clinton said; "This guy(Obama), is the biggest fairy tale I have ever seen". Barack is a Marxist who will raise taxes on everyone and fund even more useless beurocratic government programs to feed the lazy. Yes, lazy. I see young people standing in street corners selling drugs during school days. I see parents dealing drugs and stealing in front of the kids. Solution; give them a handout so they can continue to live the same way. Welfare is the new form of slavery because it doesn't motivate young people to move up the corporate ladder. Even a "McJob" is a step up.
Hillary 08
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