Hmm, it might have been a good idea NOT to bring Roseanne's family into the fight since Angie's family relationships are, shall we say, odd? If I prayed, which I don't, but, if I did, I'd pray that celebrities stop trying to influence us with their political choices. In fact, I'd go one better. I'd hook up everyone who came out to vote to a lie detector and ask them if their choice was based on a celebrity opinion and if it said yes, their right to vote would be revoked. Good luck with your fight, celebrity ass clowns.
Thank you for that DD. It saddens me to see the influence Hollywood has on people in America. From Ben Affleck's urge for people to vote in 04, to the sad politically motivated movies trying to sway Americans to their views. Ben didn't even vote himself. Politicians lie, that's a fact. You tube is full of contradictions from every politician in both sides. Do away with special interest groups, lobbyists, and pork filled earmarks in bills in Congress.
People who vote because of a celeb's opinion would probably not otherwise vote at all.
Some countries have mandatory voting, but I think it makes more sense to educate people about issues so they'll feel voting is worthwhile. Otherwise, we'll have people marking ballots without any idea of what they're supporting.
and jon's gone on tv to say that his daughter is nuts and needs help....pot.kettle.black.
mentioning childhood abuse and using it against them is just WRONG...and of course parents are gonna deny it!
very classless reply...but what do you expect from him?
Gee MissTia and her rant was sooo classy. But thats what I expect from her.
Yeah, Roseanne is over the top with her comments. She can't seem to express herself without going to extremes. I'm not impressed with the Brang. family, nor with Voigt, but neither am I with Barr.
This is like Trump vs. Rosie - both skanks, imo.
Sure Miss Tia, "there is no evil in the world, only unrefined good"-Talk America's Ellen Ratner. While I think she is a nice lady; her statement exemplifies the naivette when dealing with America's enemies. Roseanne insults people who disagree with her, while pretending to take the high road.
I don't need her parents to tell me she's crazy, I remember her from when she was relevant.
hey, i don't claim to be 'classy'...more sass than class!
and roseanne makes some good points in her rant...and no, i never watched her show, but i did like some of her stand up comedy...
Well... you know How I feel! How many times have I said Celebrities should just STFU & let their publicists speak for them. Roseann, John Voight, Angelina Voight'Jolie & Brad Pitt face are perfect examples of Why I say this.
p.s It would help their Careers too.
I'm a Misstia fan because Misstia is a good writer,Entertaining,witty & Hysterical.
I also agree with Misstia ( again ) that this is the Pot calling the Kettle black and that using childhood " Trauma" such as childabuse against Roseann is being a Cop out.
So, if AJ changes her opinions & sides with Obama, will JV change sides too? I mean it's obvious he's trying to get in her good graces. I cannot believe she isn't siding up with the black candidate. She loves people of color, as her own household proves. Hmmm? And their family is "whack" so who's he to talk? I hope Roseanne responds! That will be fun.
thank you anon 7:01am! you have brightened my day and it needed some brightening!! :)
Hmmmm, I think "anon 7:01" isn't really anonymous at all!! I think it IS in fact, "Miss Tia" trying to toot her own ridiculous, untalented, horn!!
Nice try, but we see right through you!
sorry, it's not me...i don't toot my own horn....not my style....i wouldn't even consider doing such a thing...
Combination blog and forum!
I likes it!
It's divinely decadent, to coin a phrase.
..sorry, Sally.
So, is it the fog or blorum question resolved?
11:07, I do not type as well as Misstia and unlike the ever so polite Misstia, I am going to tell >YOU< To do the World a favor & go fuck off & die!!!!!!!!!
Seriously! get a life-
Ok now THAT sounds more like the "polte" Misstia!!!! HAHAHAHA
ARe you people that serious with this shit??
Who in this universe looks to Roseanne Barr for advice, opinion, instruction, etc.? Good God, yall. Celebrities make their opinions known regarding anything and everything because they can. We don't have to listen or care what they think.
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