I guess it's time to talk about this. Rick Dyer and Matthew Whitton claim they found a dead Bigfoot in the Georgia woods and their website has so much traffic now I haven't been able to see it. Crabbie and I were talking about it and he said it was such bullshit and I said yeah, because everyone knows Bigfoot's bury their own and he said sure, but, I think he was typing sarcastic again. But, some people just found an unknown group of lowland gorillas, doubling the worlds known population...which won't last long because they practically put their address on Yahoo...but, anyhow, my point is..I think there might be Bigfoots. Maybe.
And I am a huge skeptic, I mean, if I got lost in the woods and Bigfoot came and made me a grass bed and rubbed sticks together to make me a campfire, once he left I'd probably just assume I was crazier than every other day and never tell anyone. But, deep down, I still think it's possible that there are Bigfoots..maybe. Do you?
Update...todays news (on the Bigfoot in a freezer) says DNA tests proved that one of the two samples of DNA taken came from a human, and the other was 96 percent from an opossum. I don't think these two guys fooled anyone, but, I still think there are Bigfoot's somewhere.
Update...todays news (on the Bigfoot in a freezer) says DNA tests proved that one of the two samples of DNA taken came from a human, and the other was 96 percent from an opossum. I don't think these two guys fooled anyone, but, I still think there are Bigfoot's somewhere.
Wow I was just reading about this a few days ago, and here I thought the bigfoot legend was a Northwest thing. Hey, if we haven't seen something doesn't mean it don't exist. But I also think those guys are full of shit (gorilla costume?). Now, you got to check out this post and tell me what you think!
So many Bigfoot "sightings" have turned out to be (sometimes self-confessed) hoaxes that who can tell the sincere reports from the fake?
i believe in bigfoot! AND the lochness monster!
I believe that a Bigfoot-type creature exists. I am concerned that by the time we actually catch up to one, and retrieve something that would actually prove its existence, they will have all died out, though.
As time goes on, the population may drop to a non-viable breeding range,(if it hasn't already) and it will go extinct.
Why shouldn't a great-ape exist here? And what makes us so sure we know everything?
Just a few days ago I read an account in a reliable research magazine regarding field biologists walking into a local market in some far-flung country and finding some trussed up small critters on a table. As it turns out. . . these creatures were thought to have been extinct for thousands of years. But there they were.
We do not know it all, and the Bigfoot, Swamp Ape, etc. may very well exist
it is a gorilla costume/hide + some animals intestines.
100% fraud.
@misstia, aren't you the one who believed that geishas had their feet bound and as a proof posted the adress to pictures of CHINESE women?
While everybody knows that the japanese never crippled feet?
If you're insinuating that misstia has to be wrong about everything just because she made a mistake about one thing.........um, you're an idiot.
opossum? EWWW! That is the nastiest critter around. How'd they make that look like a huge Bigfoot? And the human parts need to be figured out, either there is a missing person in those woods dead, or somebody has some 'splainin' to do! What idiots anyway.
oh, being wrong and believing into made up stuff. That is two wrongs ....
i'm still trying to figure out if "Sasquatch" is Bigfoot's name, or if that's the name of his species
Sasquatch is an ancient American Indian name for Big Foot...they believed in them and gave them lots of space and didn't go into their areas.
These guys are big foot hunters and have a bit of a shady past. If they have proof they should just bring it forward and stop with all the dancing around.
Could just be their 15 minutes of fame.
FYI...in Skamania county (south part of Washington state near Mt St Helens) a recent addition to the books is a 5 year prison term for killing a big foot, although officially they don't exist. Lots of sightings there. Kinda interesting...
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