Lindsay Lohan has a few things to blog about after her father called Sam a "parasite"..you can read her own words
HERE. She basically wants him to shut up and calls him a fame whore. Her writing skills have improved since I last read her, though she still doesn't know where the cap key is, but, she does have a sense of humor. I laughed at her closing with " i have a therapist, and it is not the the camera man at x17." Good, that's one more check that Dina can cash.
Her father has been seeking the media from the get go. He showed up with cameras unannounced to start a reality show, he called Lindsay when he got out of jail right in front of cameras, he approaches people on the street and introduces himself as a preacher and Lindsay's Father, etc. It's pathetic to watch a grown man so obviously trying to pry his way into her spotlight and blaming everyone else for her problems.
The entire family is desperate to cash-in on any part of Hollywood. A 14 year old getting lip enhancement and a boob job is despicable Dina!, earn a living and nurture your family instead of playing them like chess pieces in your quest for fame an a husband.
omg, i went and read that!! how desperate is it that she's listening to her own music??? DAUGHTER TO FATHER....waaaa blah blah...
but i have to say it was pretty well written until she defended her mom...some day lindz will realize her mom is just as bad as her dad!
that picture say it all, doesn't it? They are together, a couple and her father saying that probably makes them even more determined to stay a couple. LiLo is very rebellious and will just show her dad she is her own boss. Sam doesn't bother me at all, she minds her own business and she works. She's OK.
PS: MissTia, I was going to mention that about her listening to her own song from 2006! That WAS lame. Self promotion much? 'bout as stupid as a band wearing their own band tee shirts! That did make me not feel sorry for her at all. Not that I EVER did.
Chucky Face = Lilo
she looks cute and happy trailing along with ole Jughead who's back on the dumb hats again
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