A source in the K-Fed camp leaked info to The Enquirer about Britney/Kevin. According to this source, Kevin agreed to let Brit have the boys overnight even though Sean P. had an ear infection, but, Britney promised she'd give him his medicine at the right times. Everything was peachy until Britney found out Kevin was partying with Shar Jackson and hit the roof. She started calling Kevin at the party non-stop telling him dumb things like she didn't understand the kids medicine directions and asking how you take a temperature, oh, and telling Kevin that the little boy was crying for his daddy.
But, when the kids go to Brits house Kevin also sends a bodyguard and he told Kevin the kids were fine. Brit kept it up until Kevin called Britney's dad, Jamie who checked on the kids and told Kevin they were alright. After that Kevin wouldn't take Britney's calls which infuriated her even more so she started texting. The source also said Britney doesn't want Shar spending "her" money. Umm, why? She's been paying Shar child support for years. Maybe Poontang was having an off lonely night or something..Shar's always with Kevin it seems. It's hard to find a woman willing to take on your four kids unless two of them are hers. Jeez. And Shar looks kind of desperate here, on her birthday, she's got that neck clutch thing going on. Ma man! You know what I mean.
But, when the kids go to Brits house Kevin also sends a bodyguard and he told Kevin the kids were fine. Brit kept it up until Kevin called Britney's dad, Jamie who checked on the kids and told Kevin they were alright. After that Kevin wouldn't take Britney's calls which infuriated her even more so she started texting. The source also said Britney doesn't want Shar spending "her" money. Umm, why? She's been paying Shar child support for years. Maybe Poontang was having an off lonely night or something..Shar's always with Kevin it seems. It's hard to find a woman willing to take on your four kids unless two of them are hers. Jeez. And Shar looks kind of desperate here, on her birthday, she's got that neck clutch thing going on. Ma man! You know what I mean.
Well Brit grew up with manipulation as part of everyday human interaction, so no wonder she doesn't have other ways of getting her needs met. I feel kinda sorry for her cuz she really seems to want Kevin.
Shar seems like a good soul, would be great if those two could work it all out.
kevins a nice looking guy these days. I can't blame her, but Shar has her claws into him to stay! Its her meal ticket too! Shar says>"Thanks Britney!" "Make another album, we need a raise!"
Shar is a pretty woman, and doesn't seem to have the emotional and mental baggage that Britney does.
I think he probably loved her once, maybe he will again.
Shar and Kevin conned Britney. He NEVER stopped seeing Shar. Brit just hates to get real confirmation. hurts. Brit will never be able to let this go because deep down she knew...They all deserve each other.
That's just wierd all the way around. I say Brit got two adorable kids out of the deal and she should just work on that and let the rest go. Kevin is no catch.
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