Long rumored to have the largest, umm, file in Hollywood, Duchovny left out the best gossip by not telling us who his addiction was shared with. If he screwed around, how did he avoid being caught? If it was just his wife that he was addicted to, she probably kicked his ass to rehab herself. Who wouldn't after a decade of mad humping? Take your big old file and get the fark away from me! Some genius needs to make a reverse Viagra. Then they could send trash emails to women who'd actually read them. David Duchovny...decidedly less attractive today.
I hope he didn't cheat. If he did it better be some juicy scandal at least. I like Tea, I think she keeps a low profile even in her relative fame. I know both of them run Triathlons, so it would be easy to imagine that he may have met someone in the sport.
Having a sexual addiction means the person gets no satisfaction out of the sex. The hunt to have sex is what is their high - it's a drug to them.
People with sexual addictions are known to have sex with anyone they can, men, women, hookers, bums, friends, strangers ect. Obviously he cheated but what's more serious is the addiction not the affairs.
I just saw "The Secret", for the first time, a couple of days ago.
He has a nude scene.
All this rehab stuff raises a few questions, there.
Hard to believe he's almost 50.
In layman terms, David is like an un-neutered Tom Cat.
I think thats sad, or he got caught cheating repeatedly and siad he had anaddiction , a cop-out. Like Halle Barry's ex husband did. Whoops! I got busted cheating...AGAIn...ummm how to make this look "not as bad"...I know, blame on an addiction." This is BS!
So now do we call him David Douchechovny? Yeah.
Liar, Liar, "pants on fire"! I call Bullshit on this.
PS: Don't all men have a sex addiction? Like duh???
I second calling bullshit on this, Eric Benet tried to pull this same shit on Halle Berry after he got busted humping the maid...."look Baby, I kin change" he's just busted
i remember him saying this about 6 years ago for real - so this is really nothing new.
He has always been pretty open about really liking porno...guess it's this is just the next step that direction. Kinda sad really. Adiction is adiction.
Using the word addiction is missleading because it's a behavior problem, a complusive need to carry out a particular action, in this case sex. The only thing thats similar to substance 'rehab' is the personal accountability factor he's required to face.
His 'rehab' will be intense therapy, but like any behavior until he's willing to face the why's of how & when these choices started and be willing to make changes in how he lives his life it's pointless.
I lean towards what a few others have said, that he's doing this because he 'got caught'.
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