Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Heidi declares she's now a virgin

I didn't have to go look up a picture for this one, because whore faced plastic tit Heidi Montag's vacuous image isn't allowed on here. But, Heidi is now claiming she's a virgin and her and Spence-wad told Ryan Seacrest how Heidi is "still a virgin" and how religious she is, insisting that her "next album is going to be a Christian one." "We don't sin over here," said Spencer. Who added that they place "pillows in between" them at night so they're not tempted to have sex.
I don't watch The Fish Smelling Hills, but, everyone's posting the vid where Heidi has a pregnancy scare. Whew! The test was negative. Well, of course it was, she's a virgin! Hey, it happened to a virgin chick once, I think her name was Mary. She wasn't as holy as Heidi though. I wonder if Joseph had to hump pillows? I should ask Heidi, she knows everything about the bible.


Anonymous said...

LMFAO! I'm laughing sooooo hard! I can barely type.pffffffft.

When will these self righteous types learn???? They set themselves up for a bitch slapping.

Anonymous said...

EWW! She is so nasty and now she's a fake ass liar too. Figures. Why are they getting on the evagelical bandwagon? Thats soo not their demographic. Maybe they wanna be like the Jonas Brothers? The pillows between them at night is laughable. Just why not sleep in separate rooms then? Or not live together? Problem solved! Idiots. Thats not even close to believeable.

Anonymous said...

I suppose if they "think" they are virgins then it's true? Or maybe if he uses a condom it's not really sex? Where did she get this idea from? Nobody even gives a shit if she is or not anyway!

Anonymous said...

next up: heidi declares,Spencer is gay so thats how I am still a virgin! Now that I would believe!!!

Anonymous said...

Heidi doesn't lie! She IS a virgin.

a) her vagina is a cave, her opening resemples a portal. And her hymen is a small ring around it. So people can fuck her without any risk for the mighty, magic hymen. That his penis is very small helps a lot.

b) anal.

And the pillow? Well, would YOU sleep in the same bed as Heidi without something between you? Her stupid might ooze out of her head and creep into your ears!

Unknown said...

LOL'ed at all the comments!!!!

Virgin my fat ass!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Anal??? LMAO!!! Or maybe oral? Another possibilty. But lets face it...she aint' no GD virgin! She has done IT ALL!!!

Anonymous said...

google for 'technical virgin' *fg*

Anonymous said...

I read, somewhere, that fornication cannot occur, under the Hebrew, or Old Testament, law, unless there has been actual contact by a penis and a vagina.
The New Testament is much more strict, in this regard.
...and, no, I don't have a ThD.

Anonymous said...

The New Testament over-rides the Old Testament. Unless you are Jewish. They don't acknowledge the New one. But sex is still sex. Getting technical doesn't change anything. It takes on many forms. Still S-E-X!! ie: Bill Clinton

Anonymous said...

Niice!!. I think Heidi rides Spence with a strap-on until they are both to tired/disgusted to continue. Those uber fake titties and big ass face combined with her over-inflated sense of self is the least attractive quality these two nobodies have.

Anonymous said...

The Hills of Hollywood are alive this week-- with the sound of racous laughter at this latest dollop of shite from Heidi-HO & her Spitwad.

I'm going to step up and admit that I've seen several episodes of Season's 1 & 2-- however, I wised-up last season and quit cold turkey.
I'm here to tell ya, in Season 2 (the one in which she had the preg scare) she had an infamous meltdown when she discovered that after they'd been dating a couple of weeks-- and had sex for the first time-- Spencer had been calling another girl and asking her out.

There was an on-camera telephone confrontation where crying and hysterical, she demanded to know if he remembered what night "they first hooked-up". He admitted he did-- (camera cuts to clip of them returning to his apartment to spend the night) --but swears (and lies) he never tried to date the other girl.

Of course, we all know she let it slide... like everything else, but the point is it was crystal clear they were having a sex... as if the preg scare wasn't proof enough. Matter of fact, in Season 1 her bf was this dorky b-baller named "Jordan"-- with whom she also CLEARLY slept with.

That bitch has got to be INSANE if she thinks anyone on earth is going to buy this crap "I'm still a virgin" story. Who in their right mind would subject themselves to this type of intense scrutiny?

Anonymous said...

anon 10:39: Thanks for the rundown.