You know who that is because her plastic mug isn't allowed on here. She had a big H on her belt buckle for Ho, Herp, Horrid, whatever, the talentless fame whore plopped her slimy twat in a grocery cart for attention and left fecal matter and ho-gina crust for the next unsuspecting customer. Yeah, she did. Back on my rant about germs in public places..be careful where you put your food. Never, no matter how tempting, use the kid seat part for groceries. Kids sit there in pooped pants all the time. There's always sale papers laying around, use them to line the front part of the cart. Use the germ wipes on handles. I am so not kidding. Yesterday I stopped to get some grub after work and this kid was licking all the lunch meat packages he could reach. He was two, he could reach two whole rows and was just licking them for fun. His fat ass worthless mom saw him do it and yelled "Get yer ass the fuck over here!" Then she walked off and left him to lick some more with his runny nose. Never take the first package of anything. Dig behind and take the last one and put the first one carefully back in place. Oh, my store keeps extras in a drawer underneath the shelves. It looks just like the bottom of a shelf, but, if you pull, there's new stuff in there stinky people haven't found and fingered. Check and see if your store has those. I am totally gross'd out by this whore sitting her diseased crack in a food cart. Nasty. Avoid nasty, it can make you very sick.
OMG!!! Good to know. I never thought of any of that, except the shopping cart handle thing. The licking kid needed his face slapped. She should have been made to buy all the stuff he licked, he wouldn't have done that again! Sounds like trailer trash.
Anonymous said. Sounds like trailer trash. I live on 50 acres with a nice home and two lakes. I have friends however who reside in mobil homes. These are hard woking people who are doing their very best. Can't equate living in a mobil home makes one trash...
"Trailer Trash" is just another term for trashy people, white trash, crack whore w/e...it's just a word. Don't take it so personal! But honestly, not too many people aspire to living in a trailer, it's usually a transition home, temporary.
i see her chin!!! ACK!!! man the torpedos!! ALERT ALERT!!!!
what total fucking attention whoring douches those 2 are!
OMG! I thought I had thought of everything. This proves I haven't. Thanks DD, for keeping us all healthier.
I think I will wear a bubble suit next time I go to the grocery.
BTW, I know a lot of trashy people who live in McMansions. We shouldn't be so quick to label everyone.
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