Jen Aniston keeps smiling, John Mayer is still scowling. Paparazzi are a fickle bunch, they let it slip that Mayer is upset the no one is really stalking him now. Seems photos of Mayer with Aniston fetched $20,000 grand and photos of Mayer alone bring only $200. His little pap pups are laughing behind his back because he thought he was as big a star as Aniston. You can take all that shit with a grain of salt, because they're all a bunch of dogs, but, the prices are probably right. No word on what an Aniston candid brings, but, John needs to have a heart to heart with her to get in the paps good graces again. Or find another not so retarded chick-flick star to date. That's probably not a big problem. Any guesses on who will be next in line for the JM---D?
I hope Jenniefr finds a nice boring jewish boy with a law degree living next door to his parents. They'll have two kids and move to Connecticut and live by the water. In six years he'll dump her and marry his 21 year old secretary, have two kids and move to Florida with his parents and live by the water.....
I hope John Stamos calls Jennifer, Both are Greek and would make beautiful blobs! If that is what Ms. Aniston wants?? Maybe she just likes flings ( smiling ) in that case... I have even more Respect for her ( smiling again ) because I've been Married and I do not Recommend it.
yeah, marriage sux ass! Go Jen! Have fun! Why not? We only live once!!!! Go for it! Thats what men do...even when they ARE married!
Single & Happy! Good for her. I hope she stays single for a while this time. I swear somewhere deep inside Brad, he envies Jen, her freedom, her independance from others, her joy of each day being a new adventure and a possible new romance! Thats exciting. She's rich and famous and single. She's a great catch. Brad knows it. He has 46 kids now and can never be free like Jen ever again. He has to be a little jealous, sometimes. Esp when they are all crying, dirty and stinky and AJ is locked in her cave with the other vampires leaving him to handle everything, alone!
Angelina, her sperm donor and the rest of the global village have decided to live in France a la Johhny Depp. Probably a smart choice considering their Bennifer like exposure here. Also, their kid collection will grow up closer to their native countries and in a system familiar to them once Angelina relocates them to their sponsored charities back home. They'll be fluent in French, and since they used to be a world power about fifve hundred years ago and they colonized so much of the world; they'll be welcomed home as enlightened torch-bearers and the standard for th future uber-kind. Angelina should have her own brand of communion wafer we could all take each day to remind us of what perfection is in this world. tearing up now....
I say he might try to date an Olympian athlete now that they are the hot ticket in town. Maybe a swimmer or a vollyballer, the sand volleyballers are married, so they won't. But he might try an athlete this time. Someone thats getting lots of press. She has to be hot tho, so the pickin's are slim! LOL! But they are all sex maniacs(according to the online Olympic blogs) so he shouldn't have a problem getting one of them to date him.
anon 8:29...I am sooo with you on the John Stamos thing. But I don't think he is hearing you girl!!! I wanna bet you something, I bet DD and I won, so here goes. If John Stamos is dating JA by, lets say ummm...Thanksgiving or the end of November. I will buy you $10 worth of X-mas candy & send it to you! Hows that? Make it happen lady! You want the candy , don't you??? I want them together too! I think us betting will cast a love-spell and make it happen! LOL!
I'm gonna guess another model?
I just hope she doesn't get back together with Vince!!
Why does everyone feel the need to talk about Brangelina when they talk about Jennifer Aniston?! I mean, if she's truly so happy, and all of you believed it, there would be no need to bring up her Ex and his FAMILY in the same breath!
P.S. Save the "go back to Jared's" and "go back to Perez" comments. I never even look at those sites. I'm just pointing out the obvious here!(Whether you agree or not!)
Anons 9:16 and 9:24 (probably the same person)need:
1) to move on with the whole Jen/Brangelina
3) Get a life
Shes apparently already dating again. A guy named Matt Felker.
3:23, why are you here? and NO! I'm not 9:16 or 9:24, I'm 8:29 and here is my reply to your self righteous B.S! These days you can't get one without the other. If Jennifer Aniston come us then so does brangelina. The only way to make it go away is to get J.A Married & knocked up with blobs. Which btw. I hope she doesn't fall into that desperate trap created by " It takes a Village Types".
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