Don't ask me why Kate Moss has teepee's in her yard, but, she does, that's them, and her neighbors are pissed about it. They lodged formal complaints with the planning authority claiming she doesn't have permission for teepee's (wtf?) and they block the view. The stupid teepee's are the same height as the vegetation so, again, wtf? I wish I had a neighbor who wanted to get stoned in his damn tee pee. My neighbors pee in their yard and raise yappies.
Photo credit..Photo: Barry Clack - Oxfordpictures.com
Props from a long ago Madonna concert?
We are actually having an Indian Pow-Wow in our town this weekend. Lots of Tee-pees set up at the 4-H fairgrounds. We love it. Its fun. And the native american dancing is very cool to watch. Maybe her daughter plays in them? How cool would that be? Those are real. Maybe she has some american indians living in her backyard. I like 'em.
That's where Pete used to live.
Maybe she's making a statement.
...I don't know what it could be, though.
"The English are no better than the Americans! They send a Custer to separate me and my teepees!"
"A (wo)man's teepee is his/her castle!"
"They're for a photo shoot!
...wanna see my teepees?
...I'm a celeb, y'know!"
I say it's her land, she pays her taxes...why should anyone be able to tell her what she can and can't have?! She should tell her neighbors that their house is blocking her view!
I agree, but it depends on her agreement with the community, I'm sure.
Damnable, to some.
"Why can't we all just get along?"
"We'll get along just fine...
...once you get rid of those teepees!"
Those stupid rich English fucks think that their neighbourhood has been TP'd! They do not know what it actually means, but only know it is derogatory, and do not want it happening in their neighbourhood.
Kate does have a sense of humour. Doesn't she.
TP'd..funny. Why didn't I think of that?
I live with a 3rd grader. Sometimes I feel "potty humour" is my lot in life.
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