Maureen has a mentally challenged brother and has this to say about Tropic Thunder..“I haven’t seen the new Ben Stiller movie ‘Tropic Thunder’ – and I won’t go see the movie because of what I’ve heard — but I want to add my two cents to the opinions on whether it’s offensive to the mentally challenged,” the former “Brady Bunch” star wrote on her blog on
Fancast. “I know Ben Stiller has said that he’s making fun of actors, not people with disabilities. Still, the movie is geared toward a younger crowd and I fear a lot of those teenagers and college students will leave the theater thinking ‘r*****’ is [an] okay word to use. It’s not. It’s taken years to get people to stop using that word.”
Why does she even matter? Oh, yeah, Ben Stillers wife played her in the Brady Bunch movie. So relevant. Let's only make nice movies about nice people from now on. Someone heave a football at her nose.
which word? retard?
would you prefer 'idiot' or 'stupid, ineducable piece of shit'? So shut up bitch!
It's okay for her to type ‘r*****’ though. We don't know what that is, so we won't be saying it. ARGGGG!
Well I paid to see Tropic Thunder and I want a refund. Not because of the racial or language stuff. You pretty much have to be a retard to enjoy the stupidity in the movie. It was wasted time I will never get back.
I should write a movie script that makes fun of stupid retarded actors that write, direct and produce this shit. Maybe Maureen "Marcia" McCormick would agree to star in it.
Was Tommy Girl as good as they say though??
they're all retarded...how's that?
I'll wait for it to come out on DVD. Jack Black and RDJ in the same movie?! You've got my attention... for a second.
DD - Tommy Girl was okay. They were all doing sketch comedy that went on entirely too long. I could have saved the cost of the movie and watched a re-run of SNL and got the same affect.
well, has anyone except accidentally caught an episode of her stupid, retarded show on CW about running a B&B with Carney Wilson and Bobby Brown? Yeah, it's retarded. All kinds of retarded. Plus, she has lost alot of weight on Celebrity Fit Club last year, she was the top loser of them all, well, now she's gained it all back & then some! She's big as a house. She needs to STFU> Nobody cares anymore. Marcia! Ben Stiller may make stupid guy-gross humor jokes movies but he's working constantly and calls his own shots. This is why I don't understand Jerry seinfeld...ok, he made that BEE movie. But he could have ruled Hollywood, I guess he doesn't need the money.
Yes, THIS is what is going to make kids use "the R word" to insult each other. Kids all over America never gratuitously used the term retard until this movie. Plus, it's just a tad "retarded" that she hasn't actually seen the movie but still feels she should put her two cents in.
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