Monday, August 18, 2008

Paltrow being a star

Gwyenth (that name always sounds like a speech impediment) Paltrow is pissing off the animal rights people with her Tod's ads wearing fox fur and fur-lined boots and leather bags. Ordinarily, I'd ignore it, it's legal and not my business, but, her shit pisses me off because she just caused a stir at an equine fund raiser trying to make people realize how Mexico is wrong for making dog food out of horses. So does she think horses are more important than other animals? This dumb bitch needs to pick a side, otherwise she's a joke, like that silly little Hayden PantyLiner and her dolphin saving crap while selling her patent leather bags everywhere. Never mind, she IS a joke. This is like saying, I'm a vegetarian, but, I do eat fish and occasionally beef and chicken. Then you aren't a vegetarian, stoopid, you're just a mouthy moron omnivore.
By the way, Fish Sitcks was not well liked at the equine benefit because she made hundreds of other rich people wait out in a field for hours, without so much as a port a potty, while she barricaded herself in the mansion, doors guarded against entry by her body guards. Later she went out and read a "don't be mean to horsies" poem and left before any of the other rich, but, not famous assholes could rub her royal elbows. See? Celeb pissing me off..I knew the good streak wouldn't last. But, at least I didn't have to hear her poem.


Anonymous said...

I know we don't always agree, but I'm right with you on this one. It is so hyprocritical I can't stand it. I know a vegan who accuses me of being a heartless animal killer because I do eat meat, but he happily wears leather and uses other animal products without batting an eyelid. People should have their beliefs, but don't throw your crap on others, especially if you're not going to practice what you preach!


Anonymous said...

I know we don't always agree, but I'm right with you on this one. It is so hyprocritical I can't stand it. I know a vegan who accuses me of being a heartless animal killer because I do eat meat, but he happily wears leather and uses other animal products without batting an eyelid. People should have their beliefs, but don't throw your crap on others, especially if you're not going to practice what you preach!


Anonymous said...

I admit I like Gwenyth's sense of style and her Movies but there is NO Need to wear fur.Maybe it's faux fur? I hope so.

Anonymous said...

sorry I keep on posting twice today for some reason, stupid computer...

Dirty Disher said...

No can always take a post off if you ever want to. Just click the lil garbage can icon.

Anonymous said...

I don't see a garbage can :( Maybe cause I post anonymously? Oh well...DD you're one of the few gossip sites my work hasn't blocked yet so I cherish my visits, lol.

Anonymous said...

I like her style too. And I want that bag!!! The fur sucks tho. I have never liked fur. Even before it was popular not to like it. It's just a dead animal. Whats cool about wearing that? EW!

Anonymous said...

she's a fucktard...

Anonymous said...

When I see her in movies, she looks pretty and wholesome, and I want to like her. Then I read an interview with her, or hear of her actions, and am just so disappointed. What a self-important bitch.

Anonymous said...

Fur rocks........