Any Beatle fans near the legendary Route 66 in the good 'ol USA need to be on the lookout for Paul McCartney and his girl friend, Nancy Shevell. The couple are trecking Route 66 all the way and he stopped to snap a pic in New Mexico, but, at last sighting they were in in Springfield, Missouri, where they surprised fans at a Circle K gas station. Paul is driving a 1989 Ford Bronco, go find him and get a photo!! It looks like they're having a good time and it's nice to have a story where no celeb pisses me off, for a change.
Thanks for the heads-up, Disher.
I'm doing a paranormal investigation at a Route 66 Museum in Barstow, CA in a few days-- I'll have to do a little research to see what sort of mileage he's making each day and if/how his "run" will correspond with our visit.
If I saw them I don't know if I'd react. eh..big deal. Now if it was John & Yoko! Dif story altogether. I'd be tracking them down Route 66 to find my fav John!
well, Paul likes 'em thin. Unlike James Bond! Linda was NOT thin tho! She had huge boobs. And was curvy. He loved her more than anything. It's kinda sad actually. He has not found happiness since her death.
he probably thot one of those guys would have some good pot! I'm sure he got his hook-up!
89 ford bronco?? how down to earth is he?? i bet he doesn't have any security with him either....
it's nice to see a rock'n'roll elder statesman take a road trip...
He bought a ranch from my dad's friend a while back in Arizona. It's where Linda died I think. I wonder if he ever even comes here anymore.
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