Are they clowns now? Did someone hire them to juggle in the circus of the dim, misguided and mismatched goth couples carnival? How come it takes two people to hold her up on solid ground? Does Rhys think he's actually clutching that tree behind him? Can he get any skinnier? Are the hats puke catchers, in case they throw up their booze supper on the way home? So many questions.
Can't they afford to shower and look presentable?. Her "Ho-hemian" look is sad.
"Ho-hemian".....that's good.
HE'S the f'g movie star! Not her!!! They are treating her like a crystal goblet! WTH? He's the one that makes good movies! What the he** does she do? get drunk? Wreck motorcycles on the red carpet? Date sorta famous guys on rebound from their last girlfriend? Thats about how I see it lately. She's just nasty. He is soo skinny because he's missing Sienna and sees her in the Sun everyday with that Getty dude, that kills his manhood!
what a sad existence they lead....money yes, but shuffling along drunk/high night after night seeking solace in each other and i'm sure they don't even know why....
MissTia...thats so true of so many celebs now. Even Lilo and that crowd. But D-listers like this don't have as much going on, no fancy parties every night. Clubs and bars, not much of a life! Sounds like regular losers to me!
doesn't she know she is his rebound chick? He just using her to get past Sienna. It's a moment for him, thats all.
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