"John said: We'll be together when Elizabeth is gone." That's probably the cruelest thing they've ever done.
People have emailed me wanting to know why I don't comment on the Edwards scandal. It's simple..I don't care because I think all politicians are big fat greedy liars. All of them. Some of them just take longer to get caught.
People have emailed me wanting to know why I don't comment on the Edwards scandal. It's simple..I don't care because I think all politicians are big fat greedy liars. All of them. Some of them just take longer to get caught.
It's not that they are liars, the problem is that they are out of touch with the general public. Someone said that John Edwards is nothing more than a vehicle for a kick ass hair cut. I agree, there's no substance to this guy. His house is unbelievable! He could trade with Cher straight-up.
We should have shorter term limits and pay them as much as GOOD teachers.
OMG! Too true. And anon 4:44 is right. They are all so rich that they don't know what it's like to have use coupons or have to wait till payday to get $20 worth of gas! They honestly do not get it, at all. McCain is just another example y'day saying that he doesn't even know how many homes they own? He will have to have his staff contact you? WTF? Get real you right wing asshole! I think he may have just handed Obama the White House! That too rich for you sh** won't fly anymore. Even tho probably all of the founding fathers were all wealthy as well. Now, it's just too hard to swallow, the class system sucks and we ain't gonna take it anymore!!!
What is a Senators salary? The President's?
That has to be the most insensitive thing anyone ever published,' We'll be together when Elizabeth is gone'. Doesn't matter wether it's true or false it's cruel considering her very real battle.
i think all politicians should have to live a WEEK in public housing with gub'ment cheese, food stamps, and no cash....
none of them have any sense of reality....
Not just right-wingers anon 6:20
Joe Biden made tens of millions from Wall Street junk bonds, Bill Clinton made 100 million from speeches and books about himself, Al Gore mad 100 million+ from global warming, yet his Carbon footprint is enormous and will not debate anyone, Corzine, Schummer, and plenty of politicians from the left are mega millionaires. All McCain did was marry into money;same as John Kerry. ALL Politicians lie, just look at Obama's reversal of positions after he beat Hillary. Now he is for FISA and drilling offshore. We should vote on everything in order to take power away from all those crooks in Washington.
Proud American
That blob looks kind of like Shiloh.
The most cruel thing they've ever done? (snort)
Guess you've never read the Enquirer.
I am with DD. Doesnt matter what team they play for Rep or Dem they are selfish and crooked. Really both sides tell people what they think they want to hear. Then after getting elected they go back to business as usual.
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