A blabber mouth in either the Cruise camp or the Holmes camp, because I'm telling you those two camps aren't living in the same park, has leaked this gem to E! "Suri is the one that wears the pants in the family. If Suri doesn’t like Katie’s shoes, she’ll take them off. Tom, too. He does whatever Suri wants. He defers to her on everything."
A similar article was put out by The Star recently comparing Suri to Shiloh and how Shi get hand me downs and Suri wears designer and calls the shots. Of course she wears the pants in that family..Tommy Girl needs Verne Troyer pants. So, all their bad fashion choices are not their fault. It's the boss's fault. And the boss hasn't stopped wearing those gold shoes for two weeks, proving boss's know jack doodly. Suri is a dictator, she probably had Cheerio's with Fidel Castro today and if there was a prize in the box, you know who owns it. Where will the iron fisted ruler strike next?
giving a kid control like that is gonna create a total monster 10+ years from now...
kids WANT boundaries and NEED boundaries....letting a kid do whatever they want spells diaster later in life for the kid...
Her face and expression have always seemed to me to indicate a self-centered, imperious little girl, not a soft-hearted one, like Shiloh.
But it's so little to go on, just some paps photos! Still, I always think of Suri that way. Partly cuz her parents are retarded and call her a "woman".
A) Thank you re: the dumbass butt ugle gold shoes...i am so tired of seeing those things...and as a side bar..
B) A bunch of words have been spoke about katie wearing tommy girls jeans..is it only me thinks that is a bunch of crapp?? I would thinks the little girls jeans would be much looser than that and let us not forget the obvious..BITCH WOULDN'T HAVE TO ROLL THEM UP!!
just an observation
Big Mistakes, and the proof is a 2year old still on the bottle, that is unheard of. I dont like any of these people and could care less.
she's on the bottle & wears diapers still.
The whole damn family is mess
A little diva in the making - she is adorable though, so much prettier than Shiloh !
That's what they get for utilizing the L.Ron Blubbard method for raising their child. D'oh!
Oh leave her alone she's a kid NOT HER FALUT PEOPLE! now her parents whoo another story and I LOVE her Gold shoes my Sienna is the same with her ugly crocs but I let my kids dress themselves ( to a limit of course LOL ) and the bottle is no big deal and the DIAPERS don’t even get me started!!!! I know 5 year olds YES FIVE year olds with PULL UPS and all their moms are SAHM. Every child is different and there is no set age for potty training
I'm sorry, but the bottle is a huge deal at this age and so are (ugh!) diapers at this age. You know kids who are 5 and who do not have a medical condition who wear diapers? I'm pretty sure diapers and pull-ups are not the same thing, but either way this kid is not being taught to control herself in the most personal ways. I suppose they think that in the world she will not have to control herself, her urges, her wants, etc., because of the money? Wow!
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