Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The tour continues

When will this be over????


Anonymous said...

it's just sooooooooooo shocking that she's showing her crotch isn't it?? no one else besides madonna would do this! omg we all must convert to her quackballa religion....

Anonymous said...

Quackballah, ha,ha good one Miss Tia!. I think it's a shout out to A-Rod! Lettinh him know what he's getting when she gets to NY.

Anonymous said...

Well, if A-Rod wants THAT, then the man is so f'g gay! DD, your little "ctrotch" post was too funny! I totally appreciate it. I a 51 now and there is so way in bloddy he** I am gonna shove my crotch in anybodys face. I wouldn't and didn't when I was young either. She's got zero class, thats all. Like you said in a prev post or was it Crabbie? That she rips off the gay culture and calls it her own when she puts on a show. It's soo true!

Anonymous said...

I am guessing that when you audition for her you have to give her the crotch shot before you are allowed to dance? If you don't pass that test then you are booted out with your ugly crotch, never to dance again! They should call this "The Tunafish Tour"! Her old skanky crotch can't smell THAT great after all the grand "openings" it's had!

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO @ "quackballa."

Anonymous said...

Why does she keep showing herself to her worst advantage?

She's lost her marbles if she thinks she's impressing us.

Anonymous said...

"Lost her marbles"? Nu-uh! She's trying to show you that she still has them, right there in her panties!

Anonymous said...

'When will this be over????'

Never. Absolutely never.

She will be doing this when she is 90 (or by quackballah timeline, 60).

Anonymous said...

Exactly. It will *never* end. Don't EVER expect Madonna to have a "farewell" concert... she LIVES to do these damn tours.

cupcake said...
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Anonymous said...

LOL! The "Crotch and Cootchie Tour!!! crack me up!!!

Anonymous said...

i suppose that microphone sticking out the side of her panties is supposed to represent a huge penis.