Yeah, uhh huu, that is too Kingston in Sean P's caddy with Britney and her boys. I got a brief window to snag these pics before the cable went out again and there's no Gwen Stefani or Gavin in sight and I'm left wondering wtf??? I mean, even if you finally went into labor in your eleventy hundreth month of pregnancy, the last person you'd call to babysit would be Britney..right? You might as well leave your kid at the zoo with a bag of peanuts and say have fun with the monkey's, mommy will pick you up tomorrow. Sean P does not look thrilled with the green thing. Someday I will know the story behind Pootangs babysitting..sigh.
While it *does* raise eyebrows... (and probably caught the attention of LA Co's CPS)-- I'm POSITIVE there are nannies a'plenty lurking just out of frame.
Besides, I think it's less about G&G asking Britney to babysit than the fact that Kingston and SeanP are playground pals.
Britney used to be so nice.
Sean is not happy 'cuz Kingston got the Caddy and he got the John Deere thing! They look safe & happy to me. Maybe their kids are buds and the nannies got them the playdates? Kingston is so darling. They are probably neighbors. And just maybe Gwen has stepped up to help & encourage Brit and they have become friends(Gwen doesn't tell the press anything). Gwen is a pretty regulat gal too, I think they would get along. Maybe that explains Brits recent transformation as well and she's recording again. Stuff happens that we aren't told about all the time. I think it's nice.
Anon 10:36-
I always wonder how some rumors get started and I think that I now know. Just based on these pictures you have drawn the following conclusions:
1) They are probably nieghbours
2)Gwen has stepped up and helped and ecouraged Brit
3)Gwen and Brit get along
4) Gwen has had a hand in Brit's transformation and helped her start recording again.
As far as I am concerned there is a picture of Kingston in an Escalade with Britney standing off to the side...but I may be reading to far into things.....
OK anon 10:53: Whats your take on this? Brit is sending Kingston out on a beer & ciggy run for her in the toy Caddy? Maybe he stopped over to pick up Sean for a quick hop around the block to pick up chicks? Or maybe their moms ARE friends & the boys really are just playing and having fun? Is that allowed now days? In your world, I guess not. Thanks so much Dr. Phil, you really are an ass. Now get off here.
"but I may be reading to far into things....."
yeah, and learn how to write! It's "too" far not "to" far. You idiot!
Anon 10:36 - I may just take it one step further and say that based on this picture Gwen and Britney must be working together on a duet for her new album and that Gavin Rossdale has obviously put together a special arrangement of Bush classics for Britney to perform acoutstically at the VMAs. I also think it would be crazy to assume that anyone else but Lynne Spears will be named Godmother of Gwen and Gavin's new baby.
Just let let you know 'cuz is not a word.
"Why is Kingston with Britney??"
Who cares? Why has DD only had 2 postings today? She said her cable is down but she is still posting. It's weird. She either is online or she isn't! What is it? I have been over on Crabbies alot today. He's actually posting today!
"Just let let you know 'cuz is not a word."
O,O,O, OK!!!! Got a little stutter there anon? Dayum!
And you go ahead and type out "because" everytime you need to. You need the practice! You idiot!
You are clearly superior to me in your spelling and grammer, and they say the public school system doesn't work! However, you have lost the argument when your only leg to stand on is pointing out the grammatical errors of others when you, yourself, use entirely too many excalamation points and shorten words like because to 'cuz out of pure laziness.
Including 'You idiot' at the end of each post is a nice touch...It is not hard to see how you came up with the pure genius in your 10:36 post.
oh so we're making stories for these pictures?? i surmise that kingston misbehaved and his parents sent him over to britney's to show him how the other half lives...
or perhaps kingston was repo'ing tater tot's caddy?
Anybody who continues to bleach their hair into their eleventyhundreth month of pregnancy cannot possibly be the best judges of anything. Do the math people. You are not idiots.
Anon 12:31:00, you've never had connection probs? That's okay, your bitching tells me you missed me. I missed you guys too. :)
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