She can wipe that mad look off her face because I'm never giving Michael Lohan the time of day anymore. Some TV station idiots have given Michael an hour of air time (he says) to shit on his kid some more and show personal messages she's sent him. Michael Lohan is NOT a fucking celebrity. His daughter is. A minor teen obsession. The whole damn family is a sad mess, Ali will never amount to shit, their mother is a greedy skank, but, the dad is the worst, by far. The DD will not be watching or reading anymore of the train wreck called Michael Lohan, intent on destroying his own daughter. No one gives a shit, I know, but, it's the only protest I have. Tossing the tosser into the nasty file with Heidi Ho and Spence-wad and that fucktard hubby of Gabor. Prince wank-alot. All the fucks from The Hills, politicians, Michael Phelps (who gives a fuck?) and barely known rappers who shoot each other. Eat me.
I agree with you DD, the only way to make them go away is to ignore them.
The programs that solicit his opinions are Jerry Springer mentality and I wish they'd go away and take Michael Lohan with them.
yep. that about wraps it up. You rock DD
I think she's sayin', with that look, the words to the old Supertramp song:
"Don't you look at my girlfriend, or I will cut you oh so queek..."
...and LiLo is sayin', with her look,
"She will, you know."
It looks like someone just told her she doesn't get dessert.
in sane countries Lindsay could sue the pants of Michael's ass if he ever made that stuff public.
And she should. Plus a restraining order.
Hes so cute???????????
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