Ronson and The Blow are in Cabo. Sam doesn't look so skinny in a 'kini. Jennifer Aniston is also in Cabo..surrounding herself with cases of Smart Water. Seriously. I blew it up to be nosey. A bottle of suntan lotion, a seafood pizza and cases of Smart Water strategically placed in pretty boxes. Give it a fucking rest, Jen. Jesus.
But hey! Smart Water f'g paid for jen's vaca duh? She has to have product placement in all her pap pics! & Sam is hippy, wide in the hips, bow legged even. Can't believe she's wearing a girly pink 'kini!! I love Jen's, she looks fabu. Jelez, John??? HMMM? Hee-hee..
i can't believe Lindsay is actually tan compared to Sam...actually yes I can.
It's weird to see Sam in a bikini. Guess it'd seem more natural if she was shirtless in board shorts.
You have to blow it up to see it, then tell her to give it up??? Wow.
yep sam would probably be happier in board shorts, no top. i know i would. as for that stupid jen. does she think that drinking lots of water will keep her fresh, moist and youthful. what a retard. but more likely she's making money advertising as she holiday's.
jen a. is gorgeous and smart water is so good and refreshing I would promote it and get paid millions if it was possible.
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