You'd think that's a back stage pass around Justin Gaston, but, the back has a list of reasons a 20 year old male model is dating a ridiculous semi-homely 15 year old kid who sings Disney songs. It reads..MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, PUBLICITY, MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, PUBLICITY! He checks it every hour when he wants to stab his eyes and ears out with a pencil and guzzle gallons of bong water. And if that dumb kid flashes me that peace sign and lolls her tongue out one more time, I am flying to LA to bash her inbreeding parents into hillbilly mush, roll their remains up in a zig zag and make her smoke them.
When does Miley make her debut on The Hills?
That just made me heave. Thanks.
What "Hills" Crabbie? The Appalchians? Or The Smokey Mtns? I don't understand the question. Beverly Hillbillies 2008? Now, that could work.
That guy is so good looking. He needs to stop seeing this child. Its not helping him, it makes him look like a pedophile. And we all know Miley wants whats in his pants anyways! He needs to stop it and date a woamn his age, not a little girl. He is sooo not that desperate and she's fug. He knows he can do better and probably has a real & gorgeous girlfriend that he keeps sidelined anyhow. He thinks it will pay off. eh, how?
Yep, what some people will do for money and publicity. You'll regret this one day -- he made it because he made it with the little hillbilly girl.
still never get the celeb thing of wearing those f'g UGG boots with summer clothing. I wouldn't wear them if it was snowing! *Blech* But at least then it would make sense!
she's dumb
would someone PLEASE tell her (&those other hollywood mini-bitches) to STOP wearing Aussie house slippers outside?! jeeeeeeeeeeeezas!!!!!!!!!!
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