Heather Locklear was pulled over in the Santa Barbara area, Sunday, and was arrested for driving while impaired. Officers determined she was under the influence of something ...but, it wasn't booze. Tests are still being done and Locklear was released without bail. Between her and her ex, Richie Sambora, I hope they can hire a sober nanny with a valid licence for their kid. Heather does take a nice picture though.
aww.... I feel for her. Sending her love...
Amazing what a cracker barrel of botox can do. She's probably crying hysterically here but her face won't move.
i saw on the news this morning that she was on perscription drugs.
blame Denise for this! Richie is such a dick. I hope he feels terrible about this. He is such an ass. Both of them have been busted this year. Sucks for their daughter.
Yes, asshole. Cast blame everywhere.... except where it belongs;
Husband fucking around?
Blame the other woman!
Kid get busted for drugs at school?
Blame the principal!
Daughter get knocked up by her boyfriend?
Blame the boyfriend!
It's easier to go through life not taking responsibility for one's own actions.. and playing "victim" is much more fun. It's people like you who slip on a banana peel and sue the city.
Depression is a disease. IF she is taking prescription meds, as ordered by a doctor, she should/could have been more cautious about driving. It's a delicate balance to get drugs that effect your central nervous system just right. These meds can have side effects to watch out for, especially when you take multiple drugs.
I have a system, I go to my parents or have a friend stay with me when I start a new form of drug therapy so I can have someone looking out for me if I am out of it.
I hope you aren't abusing prescription drugs, Heather. Get a driver or a friend to drive you around until you are stabilized. Don't give up. You have a little girl who needs you. Do whatever it takes to heal.
We don't know yet what was in her system, so don't stigmatize her. Can we be kind to someone who is sick? She checked herself into a hospital months back for anxiety and depression. That is a brave thing to do. People would be offering her support if she had cancer...having depression can be just as deadly...I know, i survived major depression. It took years to find a regimen that works for me. I had support and the best docs who were willing to advocate for me.
Sorry for the rant. For anyone who cares, there is a wonderful group, NAMI. They advocate for people with mental illness. They have a lot of information too.
The stigma keeps people from getting proper treatment.
Heather, I wish you the best.
No one ever knows until their family is touched by the disease. My mom said I used to slur my words on the phone and I wasn't even aware of it...you need support & people that will be your advocates AND they are the best historians when it comes to what your moods are like between doctor's appointments.
There is a wonderful book by William Styron about his own battle with depression and how his wife saved him from suicide.
It helped my family see that I wasn't just "weak" and could will myself better.
Lots of depressed people live their entire lives without becoming drug addicted "impaired" drivers. I guess their just too "poor" to get into any real trouble so we should send condolences to this dipshit, but keep in mind if you do it had better come from Harry & David or Williams Sonoma....
"cracker barrel of botox" LOL!!!
a proper anti depressive has no "high" or "under the influence" effect, it doesnt not interfer with daily activities or driving ect...
i dont what she was on, but it wasnt "prozac" ...
it was probably some overdoing of some kind of mood changing shit to get high on...
so NOT MUCH SYMPATHY from this corner
Dear Heather, you're too efffing old for this B.S!
You have a kid and your daughter's father is a flippin loser. please get help.
I heard McCain's taking credit for the arrest.
anon 7:30, your wrong, there certainly are mood altering medications that indeed can give some people a disconnected heady feeling, ie: a 'high' of a sort, reality is it's not a jacked up high feeling it's a uber mellowed effect similar to sedative type feeling. So she could have started a new med and wasn't used to it yet because it hadn't built up to a theraputic level in her system yet. No one takes these kinds of meds and snal yor fingers your better in a few days, it takes 3-6 months sometimes longer before a paitent can 'feel' a difference in how they feel, cope and their thoughts etc.
6:54 is so right, theres a stigma attached to mental health issues, people automaticly assume that means someone is 'nuts' and incapable, and thats far from the reality in the majority of cases.
McLame is offering to "bail" Heather OUT! bwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaa!
This is 6:54 writing again. I am grateful that there are some writers on this thread who understand the stigma...you just made my day a little easier. It is nice to be validated. NAMI & this issue are my soapbox in this life. I usually write in to laugh---DD and Crabbie are the best people to read when you need a laugh, they have helped me. Some days the only thing I (This has touched a nerve because I am nearing the 2nd anniversary of the day my daughter died. It's hard to keep going, it's a slippery slope, but I keep going because I know she wouldn't want her mommy to be hurting.)
Nothing angers me more than people like Tom Cruise, the media or others that make uninformed generalizations about mental illness. Would you tell someone not to take insulin if they are diabetic or a person fighting cancer to not take chemo?
I agree people don't take responsibility or accountability anymore. The rich do seem to be able to live by another set of rules. We read about them everyday in the blogs.
As I said before, I do take multiple medications, have for years and have never abused them. I don't consider Xanax a "high". It is something I have to take to sleep.
I have legally been able to take a medical leave of abscence from work when I need to change up my meds on doctor's orders. Some meds have terrible withdrawal systems, so severe that I can't stand up straight, for example. The room spins, I have bad headaches and can become forgetful.
My family keep in close touch by phone so they can monitor & support me by listening to me and seeing if I am still in that "muddled" place. Or tell me I sound better. My parents, aunts and uncles all volunteer to drive me when I need a designated driver. I have to travel for my job, so I take time off to adjust safely. FMLA gives you that right because at times I am too impaired while changing a drug regimen.
Heather was admitted for depression AND anxiety. That means she probably isn't just taking an anti-depressant. Patients with anxiety disorders need to take sedatives too. It is probable she is taking meds to help her sleep too.
If you are under the care of doctors and they are all talking to eachother, then the patient is less likely to have drugs prescribed that will effect the other ones. She bravely checked herself into a hospital months ago to have her medications managed for anxiety and depression.
I think it is kinder to reserve judgement until the facts are in...you really don't understand how much it hurts, people like me, who live with "the black dog", as Winston Churchill used to call his depression. Until you have walked in the abyss (my word for it) you can't fathom how dark and empty a place it is.
Obama sold her the drugs! Hates crackers!
12:25:00 AM..I am so sorry about your daughter. Such a heartbreak. Hugs.
i am the 3rd anonymous that posted here about hearing she was on perscription drugs. i havent heard anything else so far.
after reading what was posted here, i must say, you can have a bad reaction to any perscription drug. i myself was on 3 medications for severe depression, bi polar disorder & borderline personality disorder. i was perscribed another medication that i had a bad reaction to & landed me in bed for a week after taking only 2 pills! i was completely out of it.
it is a fact that it can take several months for your medication to completely sort you out. everyones bodies are different. my sister takes tons of meds for her bipolar disorder & others. that same medication that made me sick, she does well on.
when you first start taking a medication for mental & emotional problems, that first week can be strange. you can have the shakes, i had them for several months as my body adjusted to the medication. your eyes can feel strange & your sight can change some. these are all things i experienced with my meds.
i cant even begin to understand how hard it is for famous people to live personal lives that are constantly in the public. if you think about it, put yourself in her place, just as an example. you husband leaves you after having a life together & a child, to be with another woman, who is younger. you have that to deal with along with your job which is your livelyhood that you have to do & you have people sneaking around your house with cameras, digging in your trash & following you everywhere you go, including private doctors appts. people with emotional/mental disorders have a hard enough time to go to the doctor let alone the entire world knowing about it. it is enough to push someone over the edge, honestly!
i have always liked her work, i think she is a great actress. she looks wonderful for her age & she seems to be a good mom.
i myself am not going to pass any judgement on anyone like that. i just hope she can get sorted out. if she is taking perscriptions, i certainly hope her & her doctor can get them straight before anything bad happens.
there are probably millions of people in this world that have mental/emotional disorders. it is a hard time to cope now. the world is so screwed up & seems to be getting worse. i just hope she can get sorted.
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