Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hot mess's at the VMA's

Lohan had the hottest dress on at the VMA's, yeah, don't ask me wtf her ass was doing there, but, that dress is killer. The zippers are just the touch to make it rock n roll without being tacky and those shoes! Man, I'm not even a purple person, but, her outfit was hot.
And how does Britney do that??? It's like the old Britney again. She turned back time.


Anonymous said...

Britney looks spray-painted.

Anonymous said...

OK...I think Lilo looked kinda messy, those seams suck! They are all lumpy. She is kinda thin right now, so she gets a pass. Where was her GF? And yeah, Britney did seem to look younger & very fresh that night. She's also getting into shape. Love Brit, don't like Linds. She didn't need to be there, but alot of ppl that were there didn't have any biznaz being there. MTV sucks.

Anonymous said...

Britneys smile could be used in a storm to guide lost ships into port. Love her bright smile. She looks so good right now.

Anonymous said...

I thought the VMA's were such a joke, Britney won something, and she looked much better than last year, but that hair was aweful and she is stupid, I wont watch that shit show again.

Anonymous said...

why were spencer & heidi there of all people! 'Cuz she has this huge music career???? She's such a great singer? What? Nuthin'...thats what I thot. MTV is retarded. No music. Just yadda-yadda-yadda

Anonymous said...

Disher, you need to see an Optometrist. Lohan's dress looks like the a Project Runway reject. Or maybe Sam made it with a yard of satin lycra, half a gram of coke and one skinny doob.

As for Britters, face it toots. It's over. The fat lady sang. The train left the station.
No amount of photo-filters, voice-enhancements, fashion stylists, Spanx, hair weavers, public relations specialists or HOLLYWOOD HYPE is going to change that.

No one cares about you anymore--- You, OR your manufactured, pre-fabricated "music". Give it up. Pop a coupla Zyprexa's, grab a venti Starbucks and some Cheetos, light up your 19th Marlboro light of the day and get back to the business of being a wildly-promiscuous, absentee mother to your kids and a meal-ticket to that worthless, unemployed, piece 'o crap ex-husband of yours. That's your real legacy, honey-child.

Anonymous said...

Hey anon 1:41...Brit has made a remarkable improvement in her life...give her a break! She unloaded some bad, bad baggage a few months ago and sent him packing, british accent and all.

I can't wait to see what she does with her career...even if it's not ever going to be what it once was, she looked happy, settled and great at the awards.

Anonymous said...

DD, thought you might be interested in this site:

Anonymous said...

I kind of liked Lohan's dress, i wish there was a better picture of it, but she looks good in the face and shes clean lol her hair even looks 'just washed, light and fluffy'. I liked the shoes too.

I think a different angle on the dress might put those seams mentioned in a better light.

Brit looked great, best she's looked in the past few years. Someone mentioned fresh, and thats right on the money, fresh, rested and sparklie from teeth to toes lol.

Anonymous said...

WOW they do look great. Britney looks very cute, love her smile. LiLo looks beautiful!!!!

Anonymous said...

Britney shows too many teeth to look 'healthy. In fact her eyes are screaming in despair.

Lindsay looks good. She has such a well defined face. And a nice hair colour. Too bad she destroys the first one with drugs and hard partying and the second one with bleach and fake colour.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Anon 1:41 - you're supposed to "think it" not "say it" ya big meenie!

Anonymous said...

They both look pretty damn good to me.

Anonymous said...

Think back to one year ago and compare the pics of those girls then with now. Definitely an improvement. The meds have kicked in.