Monday, September 1, 2008

Is anyone else sick of modern playground equipment?

We used to have a merry-go-round like that, only it was wood. Now every thing's been replaced by modern metal equipment that resembles the nightmares of some demented dark sculptor. I took Liss to the park Saturday, planning to let her loose and park my old self on a bench to watch. Nope..I had to stand under her in the sun, preparing to break her fall, just in case. It was stressful. Gone are the playgrounds of my childhood with merry-go-rounds, walking barrels and bouncy horses. Now we have these incredibly high...things..with no safety bars, deliberate missing steps (I'll worry about my kids motor skill development, thank you) and everything is made of metal which heats up to degrees high enough to easily burn young skin.


Metal isn't enough of an insult, they have to be painted in garish primaries to signal their victims. This way, kid! This way to the emergency room. This is progress and I can go fuck off if I don't like it. They even fucked up the swings. When we first got there I wondered why no one was swinging. It's because all the swings were too high off the ground for most of the kids to climb into them. Fuck you town planners. It's ugly and dangerous and it makes as much sense as your indoor pool which you are trying desperately to promote because it's empty. Big surprise. The outdoor pool is now a parking lot and the kids parents carpool to the nearest lake all summer. When small towns try to be big cities, they fail and the kids pay the price. What kind of childless idiot designs this new equipment and what kind of morons order it? Shame on you.


Anonymous said...

Robotic morons. No common sense. Playground equipment is getting more ridiculous all the time.

Dirty Disher said...

It was dangerous and I am not exagerrating. Unsupervised kids are going to get hurt. No doubt in my mind.

Anonymous said...

Hey DD, I'm with you. Whenever I take my five year old daughter to the park, I trail her waiting for her to fall off of this or that. I especially hate those "ladders" for lack of a better word, or spiral thingys that they climb way up on, only to have to leap over to the stand to climb down or go down the slide. It is very stressful. I almost would rather take her to Chuck E. Cheese.

Dirty Disher said...

The spiral things are the worst..they are so high and NO safety bars at all. Lissa is not allowed on them. It's ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

rolled my ankle on those supposed to be soft and squishy "greentops"