Monday, September 22, 2008

Interesting Read...

The 10 Newspaper Comic Strips that Need to F**king End by Some Guy. Aren't those Family Circus fuckers grown up yet?? Their last name is Gosselin, right?


Anonymous said...

they should include for better or for worse, cuz they're starting over with that and it is dated and not worth reading 29 years worth's not timeless like 'peanuts'....we know how the characters evolve, what happened, etc....

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious. Snuffy Smith is still around? Guh. In college we used to "Family Circus" bomb each other by putting the comic strategically in books, on windshields, in morning cashboxes at work, etc. It was always "Augh!! Gross! Oh no, god." Very fulfilling.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe some of those strips are even still around. I seriously haven't read most of them since I was about 12. And that was a looooooooong time ago.

Anonymous said...

Family Circus is still around? Wow! No way! I used to like it. It was always right by Marmaduke, another one that needs retired. Snuffy Smith? I used to watch the cartoon of that! "Uh-uh,oh, great balls o' fire.." I loved that. Dayum, Crabbie, I'm old too! :(