Janet Jackson's pukey little midget live in, Germy DuPew threw up in her lap at a party. No shit, he just leaned over and heaved chunks into her friggin' lap. Geez. And now she's in the hospital after becoming ill during a sound check. I don't know if the two events are related. I know it will take a team of skilled surgeons to fix her hair.
the hair poof does need to go lol
they don't ever just go to the Dr do they? Right to the hospital. They are too important. And you know GD well that their own Dr would make a f'g housecall. This is just PR shit. I hate how celebs use the hospital for PR. Must be nice, most ppl can't afford to go to the hospital! Maybe they had to cut her fatass outta this sausage suit!
what in the sam hell is she trying to pull with is look /incarnation.... it looks like total shit!!!
janet jackson....... what have you done for mankind lately?
NUFFIN, dats what.
tolerating someone puking into your lap = true love
I call bullshit on her being in the hospital because she's ill =
low ticket sales
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