Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Jenna Jameson confirms she's pregnant with twins

And when they get older, I'm sure they'll be very proud of her, because who doesn't want to see their mom's collection of porn vids?


Anonymous said...

she looks like donna versace on steroids.... what a washed out douche bag

Anonymous said...

when they're older they'll still be able to fit in the birth canal! she could probably deliver them with no problem when they're 4...

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO! Ohhh, man.

Anonymous said...

Can silicon pass through the placenta? I'm just curious if the twins will be born with boob implants.

Anonymous said...

I sincerely hope they have healthy twins because they need all the advantages they can get if they will be raised by her and Tito Ortiz. Her vaginal wall (and blown out sphincter, thanks Remington!) probably have cock scars from the years of abuse.

Anonymous said...

Didn't she have to have vaginal surgery to have things "fixed" down there? Reminds me of a patient who told me her uterus fell out once..I didn't even know that could happen (until she told me and doctors confirmed).


with3love said...

Wow is she really pregnant by Tito Ortiz? Ah man, I love him lol :)

Anonymous said...

Did she announce it on Springer?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Ughhh... it's just SOOO wrong.

I can't believe she was even able to conceive, much less manage to carry twins to term... what with all the hard use of her bits.

BTW, what's with all the celebrity TWINS lately? Another trend?

Anonymous said...

As stretched out as she must be, she needs to be careful that later in her pregnancy she isn't walking down Hollywood Blvd. and the kid drops out on the sidewalk. THAT would really give the kid a complex.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for those kids. Can you imagine How the other kids will bust their balls?

Anonymous said...

Who is this person?

And what happened to her lips?

Yeah, it is very odd that so many celebs are all of a sudden having twins. I'm thinking that because they're older mothers maybe they are getting fertility treatments?