Saturday, September 20, 2008

Little Gordon - part 2

I can't get enough of this kid. Someone give him a TV show!


Anonymous said...

As a Gordon fan I find this kid hysterical!! Never saw him anywhere but here. Who is he and where is this shown, British TV or the internet or where? Thank you for having this on. (Wonder what the real parents of this kid are thinking and if he goes home and talks to mummy and daddy like that?)

Anonymous said...

A TV show? Just what we all want to hear when we switch on the tube; A foul-tempered, tantrum-throwing, wise-assed little cuss who's every other word is 'FUCK.'

OH yeah. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Somebody ought to slap the shit out of that kid, spoiled little smart-ass!

Anonymous said...

Have a sense of humor, people! The kid does a really good impression; I am definitely interested in what else this kid has up his sleeve. Thanks for posting - I laughed out loud!