"Matthew McConaughey is feuding with his Malibu neighbors over his boozing on the beach, a source tells Star.
"Matt is rarely seen without a bottle or can of beer in his hand — he likes to unwind with friends. They surf and down beer after beer."
But his neighbors want him to give it up, the sources says. "The kids who play on the beach think Matt's cool because he's in movies," the insider says.
But the parents think he's a bad influence. "They don't want their sons and daughters watching Matt get tipsy. Matt thinks they are overreacting. He says he's a dad, too, and they should mind their own business.""
Stop pissing in the surf, stop brushing your teeth in the ocean, stop running around naked shouting "my dong! my dingly dong!", stop playing your bongos at midnight, stop smoking the seaweed, stop fucking the fish..jeez, they're a buzz kill.
I am sure those parents never ever ever drink in front of their kids. You know. The ones who really should be considering themselves their children's role model. Yeah, I'm sure all of those kids are future alcoholics in the making because that saw him drink beer on the beach.
I'd tell them to eff off. Is he the only person that does that in southern Cali? I bet he is! Damn him!
someone is stalking him if they know when & where and how often he is on the beach with beer cans! he has no beer gut! Pullleeezzz, this story is stupid. Show me a guy on the beach that isn't having a beer. How about Cam & drew smoking a joint at the beach? Nobody bitched.
ok shoot me but drinking on the beach here is illegal, and if cops catch you, they take the alcohol away - so I don't know why he or anyone would get to keep theirs so very visibly out in the open.
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