Sunday, September 21, 2008

Oh, I KNEW this would happen

The hounds from Hell have ruined the crummy fence (which didn't look that crummy until they killed the Clematis) and now they're over here all the fucking time. I tried shoving a cement block under it where they crawl through, but, then they bent the top out and jumped over. So today I cut that part of the fence out and put a metal gate there. They can climb it. The big dog is okay, but, that little bastard has decided we are the only people he likes and he bites hell outta anyone else. I have people jumping my ass every day now.."Your dog bit me! Your dog almost got hit by a car! Your dog killed my cat." THAT'S NOT MY DOG, YOU ASSHOLES. I hate my neighbors. I scooped that little biter bastard up and marched over there and knocked on their door and told them they had to take care of THEIR dog. He took the dog in and five minutes later it was out and bit the mail woman. Then he bit the dog catcher. He's still over here, he's always over here. Nobody can make me take this rotten dog! Do I sound grouchy? That's because they barked..all..night...long. Why why why do people get animals they don't want and won't take care of?? Someone explain that to me.


with3love said...

YOU should adopt him :)

Dirty Disher said...

All he does all day long is look for trouble. It's intolerable.

Anonymous said...

get the dog whisperererer or whatever that caesar guy is called out there! can't you use your special blogging powers to conjure him up??

and i agree, why the fuck do people get dogs to ignore them???? or to just stick them out back??? those people are going to be reincarnated as neglected dogs!

Anonymous said...

lol, dd, animals always come to good people. we have dealt with that all our lives. i have 5 cats, none of which i have sought out to get. they just end up with us.
animals know where to find the people to love them & it is so sad the way people treat them anymore.

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you why, DD, because animals know good, that's why. We don't adopt dogs...they adopt us. Look hard at that pick. His is not loving on your grandbaby for his own selfish reasons...he picked her because he sees her soul - and apparently, yours too.

So you keep hiding behind your bitter comments. It is, after all, why we love you. But those dogs see the same thing we all see in you: Under the crunchy exterior is a very soft inside.

You're no different than an M&M, DD. I'm not sure why I find this so amusing either, but I think it's because you really think these dogs are annoying, but somewhere deep inside you know I'm right!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to take a stab at "why people have animals they don't want, can't/don't take care of... etc, etc, etc..";

Take my neighbor (please).. The poor sod's got a worthless adult kid who moved back home last year, with a houseful of crap excess furniture and 3 totally untrained, unhousebroken mutts in tow. Within a couple of months, said worthless, adult kid found new digs... and, you guessed it-- "No dogs allowed". How convenient.

So, now my neighbor is stuck with a pack of wild dogs who are next-to-impossible to contain, the worthless adult kid threw a fit at any suggestion of finding them new homes and the neighborhood (myself included) is up in arms over the constant canine chaos. Sooner or later, the authorities WILL have to intervene.. it's just a matter of time.

So, there ya are. A valid reason, imho anyway.

Dirty Disher said...

I treated them both for fleas last night, but, that's not an admission of ownership. It's just me fighting vermin as usual.

Dirty Disher said...

BTW, 3:42:00, I liked your story.

Anonymous said...

People get pets for the cute factor, and then cave when the reality of how much care, time and even money is involved with keeping them.

It's like have a older toddler for a decade. If you were exhausted with your own or someone elses small kids, don't get a dog, unlike the kid, they aren't growing out of it.

Theres no bad dogs just bad owners, if theres problems with their behaviors its 'cause their owners made them that way.

Anonymous said...

A pan of antifreeze would solve your problem.

Anonymous said...

anon @ 5:09- "A pan of antifreeze would solve your problem."

Okay, but only if you join them. (they hate to drink alone)

Sara Groomsell said...

i hate my neighbors too

i asked her to pick up her trash and she called me a liberal freak

ur kid looks cute when the pup

Anonymous said...

If enough people report the biting incidents (which by the way, is grounds for a HUGE lawsuit), the animal control people will take the dog away (and probably euthanize it).