Monday, September 29, 2008

ParAss Hilton's Fairy Dust

“Do you believe in fairy tales?” No, I believe in Penicillin.


Anonymous said...

what's on her legs?

Anonymous said...

jesus sandals

Anonymous said...

anymore air brushing on this and she`ll disappear

Anonymous said...

beenie: well then, yay for more airbrushing!! We can hope, right?

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is buying all of these 'designer' fragrances she comes up with? I would be ashamed to be seen in the check out line w/ her signature scent in my cart.

Anonymous said...

who buys the shit?
trailer trash wanna be`s& "style" magazine readers....;)

with3love said...

No I dont believe in either, how about probiotics ;)

She must be targeting school girls, wow just humiliating...

Anonymous said...

She's a friggin embarassment to women. Who would want anything this mega-whore is pushing?