Victoria Beckham unveiled her new pixie cut at the Marc Jacobs Spring fashion show, the world swooned. CNN stopped covering the war and everyone forgot Sarah Palin's name for several minutes while the collective universe whispered "cuuuuute." J-Lo got so excited she tried to touch Pish-Posh's boobie, but, settled for holding her hand. It suits her, but, it's so three months ago for me. She obviously saw my photo on here. Good, now I can get a bob.
jho looks like a 45 year old housewife from jersey in that pix! (no offense to 45 year old housewives from jersey!)
That cut suits long til Katie Holmes gets the same cut?! lol
Normally I disagree with Miss Tia; but this is one topic where we share some shade. J-Lo is sesperate for attention since orchestrated, manipulated, fake and scripted magazine articles and photos failed to show her in the super Mom super wife light she was going for, and her triathlon training goes by unnoticed.
I used to wear my hair like that. When I was 6! Once when I got gum stuck in my hair and my aunt took me & had this haircut done on me! My mom got sooo mad at her she didn't speak to her for a while. I don't like it on an adult. Most women honestly can't pull this one off. Not even Poshy. Unless she's recently had brain surgery, there's not a good excuse for this. Katie already has very short hair, I think Posh is trying to one-up her! It's wash & go tho. Easy to care for. Not terrible and it will grow out cute. But not my fav.
Posh's forehead is way too big for this short of a cut. If they had left a sweeping,fringy bang it would have been cuter. This makes her head look even more like a soccer ball! But on the other hand(maybe 2 hands are required), how can you not be jealous of the woman that gets to sleep with David Beckham? :(
It looks horrible, She needs a wig.
Nooooooo! Not EVEN.
Just because you're beautiful and famous doesn't mean you can get away with an extreme haircut.
Her features are FAR too strong -- that, coupled with her rapidly advancing years and horrible, sun-baked skin?
HUGE, AGING mistake. She looks like my grandma.
She's just not smiling and the camera angles are odd, it suits her and it's nice she's back to dark locks, the blonde was too light and washed her out, wasn't nice at all.
Looks like Halle Berry's old hairdo found a new home. Awwwwwww.
This woman looks very sharp and scary. Like the dark hair, but at least J-Lo looks like a human being and not a stick figure or a store dummy.
Halle Barry!!!!! Exacto! Thats where I remember this from! Posh is darker than Halle tho. It was kinda cute on Halle, Posh needs to be softer, she's not that young anymore. She's just a walking-stick now!
It's almost as short as Davids. Gawd, David!!!! Dayum. Just show those damn underwear pics with his ummm...well, just show us those and we will all forget about Poshy!
that pic looks lige a giant white head shopped onto a tiny orange body....wierd
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