Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sam and Lindsay want a baby

An "insider" at the Lohan camp says Lindsay wants a baby and so does Samantha, but, they don't want to adopt. Lindsay wants an ex boyfriend to donate and she will carry the child and have a natural birth. Okay..I don't know what adoption agency would give The Blow a kid, so she'd have to have it herself. You'd think she could talk Sam into having one for her, but, whatever. They have as much right to have a child as any of the other celeb douchebags. I hope it's last name is Ronson, because Lohan seems like a curse. If this rumor is true we can call Dina Grandma. Oh, yeah.


Anonymous said...

She could just wear her Mom's underwear when she comes home from partying, I am sure it is dripping with "donors".

Anonymous said...

Michael Lohan will probably work a deal where he can give commentary on the conception...and Dina will get an exclusive deal giving a live feed from the birthing room...

Anonymous said...

I perceive that she has received her share of "donations".
I really think she should maintain her sobriety and a steady, stable relationship for just a leeeetle while longer before she embarks on the long, adventurous journey of parenthood.
Of the two, SR may be the more qualified, to raise a young 'un.

Anonymous said...

oh man - A britney story all over again with the babies.


Anonymous said...

She is too young and needs to get real, Kids are for life not the weekend.

Anonymous said...

so SamRo wants a baby to really rip off Lindsay when the time is right.

Anonymous said...

saMANtha wants a baby because she thinks it will keeps Lindsey's pussy on lockdown.

These two are so disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Aw, they're a couple of young, pretty/handsome gals in love. They should just have some fun.