Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Say skank, err, cheese

Audrina Patridge covers her wonk eyes and shows us what she'll look like giving birth to a breech baby. It's a girl!


Anonymous said...

In this pic, she looks like Tommy Girl in the face.
maybe a pattern is unfolding, here.
Maybe, Tom really is the Anti-Christ.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think she looks great in this picture. Better when she covers the wonk-eyes.

I mighta missed something, is she pregnant... and, uh Jerry, are you okay? :)

Anonymous said...

I must be being chased by the demons today.
I see TC everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Jerry Cass: "I must be being chased by the demons today. I see TC everywhere."

Sounds like The 6th Sense.

Anonymous said...

Look again Pissy, you can see her baby....this may be some of Dishys work

Anonymous said...

Look again Pissy, you can see her baby....this may be some of Dishys work

Anonymous said...

There's a woman's head under her lady bits, too. The baby? Heh.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:50:00PM said...
"There's a woman's head under her lady bits, too. The baby? Heh."

Are you sure it's a woman's head?
You know who it looks like to me?