Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Shots from David Beckhams new calendar

I'm confused...is this a calendar for gay men? It must be. The neck fur is creeping me out. And he looks better with hair on his head. At least Posh isn't in it.
And speaking of calendars..I've been commissioned to do the illustrations for an astrology calendar. I am not doing those stupid symbols again. I like painting people and portraits best..any ideas on incorporating astrology with humans and faces?


Anonymous said...

well you could use the signs related animal...aries = ram (yeah aries!!! guess what sign i am?? ;) could paint the god of war for mars (yeah mars!!)

a picture with rams grazing and the god of war in the sky??

picses, fish in the sea....etc...

can't think....in a rush...pan has a playdate!

Anonymous said...

well, ur the Dirty Disher. Show famous celebs for each month, then do illustrations about the signs strengths & weaknesses, who they are most compatible with, best matches, worst matches etc. Each Sunday make a tiny illustraion for a project that week, like Pisces love to be artistic, so on a Sunday you could draw in a tiny paintbrush & pallette. Libras love to talk, draw a phone on there for them. "Call a friend". I would have a blast with this. I'd make it interactive too, not just illustrations. Like lift up flaps with ideas for that sign to do stuff. The illustrations could be kickass too, amazing. This could almost be a collectors scrapbook type thing. have fun girly!

Anonymous said...

i am so glad you spelled calendar correctly. I get disturbed when that or "Congratulations" is spelled with a "d" in there! Drives me nuts!!! sorry to get on my soapbox. not important

Anonymous said...

OMG! Of course gays will want this. They will be in line at Hallmark at Midnight to get it!!! I know gay guys that have his undie ads stuck on their fridge. Maybe "stuck" was a bad choice of words, eh?

Anonymous said...

how about painting a bunch of retards?

because you have to be one to believe in astrology.

Anonymous said...

Not hot.

Anonymous said...

Astrology can be just a fun thing. Escapism fun. Don't be so serious anon 4:39! And maybe to DD it is important. Artwork is a big deal. When were you last asked to do the artwork for a calendar? Thot so! me neither. get over it. jelez!!

Anonymous said...

Only stupid cunts call every one jealous . It's how they make themselves feel better.

Jess said...

You could draw a picture of my fat ass standing on a scale for Libra!

Anonymous said...

how about doing people & have the signs on their clothing? i also like misstiajournal's idea with the animals.

david beckham is hot hot hot, but the facial, & neck, hair has to go! i would do him in an instant!!

Dirty Disher said...

I can't spell calendar, but, spell check is actually working this week. Anyway, thanks for the ideas, I actually got one from here and when the calendar comes out I will put some of it on here.