Sam Ronson DJ-ing at The Marmont: "By the end of this year, my love will be Mrs. Ronson.” She added: “Tonight shows the power of a woman – to underestimate that is to underestimate the world."
Jesus Christ on a crutch, you aren't running for president, you just talked some former whore into marrying you. Aaaaaaaand they cease to be cute. It was bound to happen.
I don't know about all that other marriage end of the year love crap, if LL stay's clean and sober, great.
But this was true enough.
“Tonight shows the power of a woman – to underestimate that is to underestimate the world."
Whats wrong with what she said? They are already reporting that they want a baby. This is worse somehow? I don't get it. Nothing wrong with what she said, IMO.
maybe all that BS with all those guys and drinking & driving crazy was her way of dealing with the fact that she is a lesbian and didn't know how to handle it? I wonder if she's had therapy to figure this out? I hope so. She just seems calmer now. Like she just knows it's ok and she can handle it. I dunno.
Well, I can't throw any stones.
I married the same woman twice.
is that the look of true love in Lind's eyes? I am telling you, she loves that Sam chick. But Sam kinda looks like a skinny club guy anyway. Not ugly but Samantha is clearly the guy and has proposed. Will Linds take Ronson as her name? How weird would that be? Doubtful. But she's got more money than Lind's does, so it might happen. No guys want her anymore.
True love?
Ya think she knows what "true love" is?
...ah, well, maybe ya don't have define it in order to experience it.
True love?
Ya think she knows what "true love" is?
...ah, well, maybe ya don't have define it in order to experience it.
Well, I guess that must bear repeating.
...don't ask me.
...I don't know how it happened.
but jerry cass...are you still married to her? Did the 2nd time take?
Mais non.
Divorced a long time ago.
The world may very well have been a better place had we not tied the knot the second time.
Both knots, it seems, were very loosely tied.
C'est la vie
So they're not just friends then?
This is the first photo I've seen of her where she looks even remotely female.
LL might be in love. But SR is in only for the money. Just wait and see.
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