Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Vid of the crashed Travis Barker plane

That's frightening..I don't know how anyone survived.


Anonymous said...

It's amazing that anyone survived. Obviously it was not their time.

Anonymous said...

Agonized screaming??! WTF?!!!

Dirty Disher said...

They were on fire!

Anonymous said...

I feel sick after watching and hearing that.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know they were on fire. I'm just shocked to hell that anyone had the guys agonized voices on tape... or that they'd publicly release the audio portion.

Travis' kids could, and probably WILL hear that.

Anonymous said...

TMZ was first to release the on scene police cruiser "dashcam" video/audio of the crash aftermath which included Travis' anguished cries... and now they've pulled it.

Whad'ya know. Good on them. Sorry, but no one should hear this ghoulish audio of a man's pain.

Anonymous said...

Just an addendum to the sad story;

US magazine is reporting in their October 6th issue that Chris "Lil Chris" Baker, Travis Barker's longtime assistant who perished in the crash-- lost his brother 3 weeks earlier in an auto accident.
That's just too fucking much.