Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wanna see her tits?

Too bad, you perv, she's jail bait. But, that didn't stop some douche wad from Wal-Mart from trying to peddle private pics of Jamie Lynne and her boobie, err, baby. The pictures are from Casey Aldridge's digital camera and are probably a bit old, because he was in some of them and so was Britney. They included a shot of JL breast feeding and her boobs were exposed. Feds are investigating. Gomer Pile had something to do with this, you just know he did. I'll bet you a can of Skoal that redneck gold digger is in on it.


Anonymous said...

This one has Papa Joe written all over it.

Anonymous said...

Wrong blonde crabbie lol.

Won't surprize me to find out the b/f had something to do with it since it came from his phone. Although you can be assured he will claim it was stolen.

Anonymous said...

he's over 18 now and she isn't, He can get into trouble for this.

Anonymous said...

So ol' Gomer "innocently" took his camera card to WALMART for the developing of pix including Jamie Lynne (exposed and breast-feeding) as well as Britney and Mamma Lynne Spears.

Now, I'm sure there wasn't a home printer available anywhere, so what choice did he have but to go public?
Makes sense to me.... you?

Uh huh. Riiiiiight.

(fucker needs to be strung up by his nads-- NO ONE is that dumb)

Anonymous said...

Children having children and acting their age. These swamp rats will probably push out eight more kids and sell everything to rags.

Anonymous said...

Was she going to whip these out in 12 years and say " Look Maddy, here you are sucking on mommy's tit."?

Anonymous said...

those Spears girls certainly do have fabu teeth! Thats one thing I can say positive about them. Beautiful teeth. Their parents did see to that!

Anonymous said...

Their parents? Bah!

They bought those $50,000 ivories (veneers) in Beverly Hills after they started making the big bucks.
"Mamma" had nothin' to do with it.