Thursday, September 4, 2008

We're so jealous

Keira Knightley had some interview the other day and I didn't blog it because it was just more of her nonsense about how women are jealous of beautiful sexy women and how she's doing her job if we hate her...because we're all jealous. And now these new pics of her come out and I'm thinking, jeeeez, if you lose 10 more pounds you'll just disappear and we won't have to be jealous of you and your sexiness anymore. Fucking lollipop head, aren't we so jealous? Pffffft.


Anonymous said...

yea, i'm so jelez of her jacked up f'g teeth and her big head. Her lower jaw juts out like she's wearing a padded mouth protector or something. She's soooo not beautiful. She has a horrid profile.

Anonymous said...

10kg more and she would be sexy.

Skeletons aren't sexy. And she is one.

Anonymous said...

I 'magine I'd hit it.

Anonymous said...

pez dispenser

Anonymous said...

So I'm scrolling through and I glance at these pictures and my first thought is "Someone dressed up a 10-year-old and put her on the red carpet!"