Sunday, September 28, 2008

Where's Lia been hiding?

I wondered where Lia had I know. Just floating down the Mekong in Laung Prabang, Loas. It looks incredible, but, what in the world are you doing in Loas??? That's so cool.


with3love said...

Wow what a sight, she's brave. I'd be scared to what's in the water, if I were to fall in the water and who would save me if some huge serpent got a hold of me. I want to know why she's there too :)

Anonymous said...

yes i did all sorts of things i would normally be too scared to do. walked over rapids on a bamboo walkway, went down the meekong, climbed up thousands of steep stairs to see a buddah cave and more. and it was fun!!! we went because a friend of ours who is buying a business there invited all his friends over to celebrate his 60th. we were with a group of 32 people! that made it fantastic and safe and FUN. back in reality now, which isn't quite as much fun.

Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back, Lia. You were missed.

Anonymous said...

another thing checked off the bucket list?


with3love said...

Yeah wow that must have been one hell of an adventure...I'm jealous now, my excitement today was picking off fungus growing in the front yard...weird species that look like they're lucky :)

Anonymous said...

thanks for missing me, that was nice. and yep everyone needs a bucket list, a loooooong one!!