Monday, September 22, 2008

Who can turn the world on with her smile..

Who should have worn a wrap on her arms at the Emmy's? Did you know MTM wore a wig on the Mary Tyler Moore show? Yep, I read that the other day. A full on wig. MTM's flip was a fake!


Anonymous said...

Good for her! I remember people going crazy to try to achieve that look! I used to do my neighbors hair, after I "ironed" it, we took some hollowed out soup cans, heated them and clipped them to her hair hoping for a big giant, long lasting flip. It worked.

true story.

Anonymous said...

Soup can story is a riot! The girls above me in school used to use orange juice cans! Funny ol' days!! They did work tho! Poor MTM's arms. She's wasting. She has diabetes, so this may be a health issue with her. Doesn't she also have Parkinson's?

Anonymous said...

Yes, MTM's appearance has definitely changed since she played Sam, on the David Janssen, NBC series Richard Diamond, Private Detective, back in the 1950s.
She's 71 and a Type 1 diabetic.
She doesn't have Parkinson's Disease.
I had a Major case on her, back in the day.
...her and Gale Storm, of My Little Margie.
I was a kid.
I'm a boomer.
I wanted to "boom" 'er, too!

Anonymous said...

Holy SHIT balls! Wouldn't you think *someone* in MTM's camp would have steered her away from that god-awful, bare-armed look?

I'm not for a moment suggesting she show up on the red carpet in a turtleneck, but there HAD to have been dozens of *flattering* couture options-- why choose something soooo bare that only served to HIGHLIGHT her scrawny neck, wrinkly decolletage and scraggly, emaciated arms?


Anonymous said...

well Jerry you seem to know so much. Why is she soo shaky & jerky now? She totally appears to have Parkinsons to me. Did you see her on That 70's Show about 2 or 3 yrs ago? It was a disaster. She was on several episodes. You couldn't even see what was going on you just kept thinking, "she's sooo shaky & skinny and her voice shakes as well" it's very distracting. Not enjoyable to see.

Anonymous said...

She's type one diabetic and since you don't know what it's like to live with that and i do, i can't say for sure if she has or hasn't been dealing with parkinsons, but when your diabeties is going through changes you can look and sound like your totally tanked hence unsteady on your feet etc shakes aren't uncommon either is changes in speech and reaction times. Your skin gets thin and is hyper delicate.

But i agree, i't surprized someone hadn't suggested a wrap, jacket or something with sleeves even. More power to her though is shes comfortable and confident enough to go out in whatever she wants.

Anonymous said...

I think I also heard that Mary, in addition to Type I, is suffering from Parkinsons. Could be wrong.

But, geez, Mary, those skinny little, skin hanging off arms are just not attractive. I know you think you're really thin so you're really cute, but no. Darling, I love you, but no.

Anonymous said...

Leave this icon alone. I am no "boomer" but as a kid I would look forward to her tossing her hat into the air each week. I would twil around the living room like a mental patient right along with her.

No surprise that I am a big ol homo.

Anonymous said...

ANONYMOUS 4:55:00 PM commented:
"Why is she soo shaky & jerky now? She totally appears to have Parkinsons to me."

Perhaps it is diabetic neuropathy.

Dirty Disher said...

5:09:00..yep. When I have a diabetic episode people can think I'm drunk or high. It's a bad high, I'll tell ya that.

Anonymous said...

I think she looks great!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised no one told her NOT to wear safety pin earrings. Come on! Those went out in the 80's!

Anonymous said...

LOL ANON 1:11, she probably CAN'T take them off, who knows what they're holding together!