Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The women at the hospital after the plane crash

Shanna Moakler is at the bedside of her ex, Travis Barker, the couple have two children together. Mandy Moore is with DJ AM. From what I understand, Travis is burned mostly on his torso and legs, DJ AM is burned about his head and arms. DJ AM was put into an induced coma to let him heal and as far as I know he is still in the coma. Both men are severely burned, facing skin grafts and at least a year of healing, they are both still in critical condition, but, expected to live.


Anonymous said...

Much as a LOATHE that gold digger extraordinaire, Shanna Moakler... she's always claimed that Travis Barker is/was the 'love of her life' and I believe her. She is, after all the mother of his two children and must be worried sick about him.

On the other hand, he's still alive. There are FOUR other families today getting ready to attend funerals, bury a loved one and face a future without them.

A postscript re: the surviving families; It's been widely-reported that Chris Baker, Travis Barker's assistant and who's wife had allegedly gone into labor-- (thus the midnight flight home on a private jet)-- DID NOT GO INTO LABOR at all. Whatsmore, she's NOT even pregnant! Reportedly, the private jet had been reserved in advance, and no one seems to know how or why or where the erroneous report of Chris' wife going into labor got started.

Anonymous said...

I heard about the labor thing & it being false. What mean idiot would start a heartbreaking rumor like that? he does have a 2 yr old tho. I havent' heard much of anything about the bodyguard, 25. My sons age! Shanna has always been with Travis, more or less. I liked their MTV Reality show. It was cute. You know, you never know when the last time you will see someone. I saw Travis & DJ AM on the VMA's last. Who knew? What a tragedy. My heart breaks for all involved.

Anonymous said...

Gee DJ AM was release from the hospital on the 26th and Travis on the 30th - yeah they are sooooo bad off....You really need to get your information elsewhere.