Monday, September 22, 2008

Yet another Jessica drunk story

Jessica Simpson was asked to leave the Marc Jacobs Fashion Show after party because she was drunk, loud and obnoxious (according to snips who were there). She was slurring her words and falling down. It was all very hush hush, but, they wouldn't even let her stay for the dinner because she was embarrassing. Snoots! Who wouldn't love hearing Jessica fart and belch the ABC's?


Anonymous said...

Pastors kids are the wildest kids, but somehow i don't buy into this particular story because she's far too desperate for some good pr & too vain, she's be expecting everyone to be watching her at an event like that.

Anonymous said...

I hope it's not true. She's already gotten heavy. I hope she's not a sloppy-assed drunk now too!

Unknown said...

I so hope this is true. I HATE the Dallas Cowboys! =)

Anonymous said...

ANON 11:01 -I COMPLETELY AGREE, Pastors kids are nutballs!

I like this pic tho, takes me back.
My God mother has a very similar pic of me at her sons wedding in Louisiana (say, loo-zee-anna) when I was 16, I was actually trying to smush a bug with the bottle.

Ah, how I miss overindulged-cool-Auntie, summers