Monday, October 13, 2008

Angie to OK..

"We are going to have more kids. One way or another."
That sounds almost ominous, doesn't it? Hide your babies!


Anonymous said...

Hate this woman...but the previews of her new movie don't look too bad. I admit. I hate to but I admit it. Altho, I will just wait to rent it in 3 mos!!! She's not getting my $12 for me to sit at the cineplex!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry- i cant help it. Every time i see Zahara, I can't help but picture Gold teeth & a viking hat & her yelling "Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhh Boiiiiiiiii!!"
Thats Flavor Flav's mini me.

Anonymous said...

flavvvvvvaaaaa flaaaaaaaav! wants the big clock necklace.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I always see a young Grace Jones.