Monday, October 13, 2008

Aniston and Mayer..back on

Spotted...Jen Aniston and John Mayer on a private plane to LA, yesterday, kissing, hugging, whispering, giggling. The two were coming back from NYC where they had spent some time together...somehow avoiding paps. One of her complaints about him was that he called the paps every time they saw each other. Maybe he's learned something. Maybe he even paid for dinner.


Anonymous said...

Uh-Oh!!!! Is our bet back on now DD? A wedding by Halloween? Lots of disgusting candy??? Maybe the tables will turn & YOU will win this one afterall! LOL! Well, they've got 2 1/2 weeks to do it, lets watch this & see if that happens. I cannot believe this news tho! I thot she could do better and should have!

Anonymous said...

I hope she is stringing him along and dumps him like a bad Mexican dinner the next morning.

Anonymous said...

Really?? Hard to believe.

Anonymous said...

I can believe it. I think there was quite the attraction between them.
Hope this time turns out better. I like JA. Not sure about him, though.

Anonymous said...

The National Enquirer is the one reporting this. So, believe it if you wanna guys. They are right on the money lots of times. We will see! He's a douchebag tho, whats she thinking??? I hope she made him get tested!

Anonymous said...

I thought she was with Leo now?

Anonymous said...

No way is she with Leo! I just saw a pic of him with Bar Rafaelo in Mexico last week with her parents. So, apparently Leo & Bar are back "on" as well.

Anonymous said...

I hope she is stringing him along, too, for a big let down. I love Jenn, but wish she had better taste in guys. This one is a loser.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this one is a loser big time.

Anonymous said...

they are both losers. they should be together. neither of them can do any better.